Property Report

152 Strachan Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M6J 2S9, Canada

Political representatives

The following shows all of the political representation for the surrounding area.
Name Distrinct Contact
Olivia Chow Toronto
Tel: 1 416 397-2489 (legislature)
Name Distrinct Contact
Kevin Vuong
Spadina—Fort York
Tel: 1 613 992-2352 (legislature)
Fax: 1 613 992-2352 (legislature)
Tel: 1 416 533-2710 (constituency)
Fax: 1 416 533-2236 (constituency)
Name Distrinct Contact
Chris Glover
(New Democratic Party of Ontario)
Spadina—Fort York
Tel: 1 416 326-7196 (legislature)
Tel: 1 416 603-9664 (constituency)
Name Distrinct Contact
Ausma Malik Spadina-Fort York
Tel: 1 416 392-4044 (legislature)
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Generated for on 2022-12-14 16:53:20 by [Report 23856]