Property Report

152 Strachan Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M6J 2S9, Canada

Estimated value

The estimated value could not yet be calculated as some fields below are missing. After you fill in the missing fields and we will try to calculate the estimated value again.

The following assumptions were used to produce the estimated value of this property, you can edit these values to produce a more accurate estimate. Estimates are powered by and represent a rough estimate of what the properties value might be. Please contact a real estate agent to discuss this figure further.

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Lending scenarios

$ .00
Price estimates powered by

Principal Interest

This graph shows how much will of your payment is going to paying down the mortage (principal) and how much is going to servicing the loan (interest)

Loan Balance

This graph shows how much will be paid off during the Mortagage period

Amortization Schedule

This table shows the details of each payment throughout the life of the mortgage. You can add "Extra Principal" payments to see how that will impact your future principal and interest payments.
Period Date Rate Interest Principal Extra Principal Total Payment Ending Balance
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