Property Report

282 Augusta Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5T 2L9, Canada


There are no building permits on record for this address.

Open permits
Closed / Canceled permits

Nearby Addresses

Based on the building permit data for nearby properties: - **276 Augusta**: Various permits were closed between 2005 and 2017 for backflow prevention devices, building permit-related work, special ventilation systems, and interior alterations. - **319 Augusta**: Permits for building permit-related work and interior alterations were closed in 2002, with additional permits closed and cancelled in 2018. - **270 Augusta** and **272 Augusta**: Permits for other work were closed in 2012 for both properties. - **264-268 Augusta**: A mix of permits related to building work and interior alterations were closed between 1999 and 2004. - **280 Augusta**: A permit for an addition was closed in 2001, with no further permit data available. - **347 College**: Multiple permits were issued and closed between 2007 and 2021 for building permit-related work and interior alterations. - **357 College**: Various permits were issued and inspections conducted between 2007 and 2010 for electromagnetic locks, sprinklers, and building permit-related work. - **355 College** and **353 College**: Demolition permits were issued in 2019 for both properties, with additional permits closed in previous years. - **343 College**: Permits for sign building permit-related work and backflow prevention devices were closed in 2009 and 2016, respectively. In summary, the nearby properties have had a variety of permits issued and closed over the years, mainly for building permit-related work, interior alterations, special ventilation systems, and backflow prevention devices. Some properties also had permits for demolition and other specific projects. It appears that ongoing maintenance and improvements have been a common theme in the area.

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Address Permit # Description Date Status
No results
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Permit # Description Date Status
21 187012 ALT Alternative Solution In lieu of providing two exits as required by Part 9 of the OBC, the proposed basement-first storey café suite will provide enhanced life safety features. 2021-07-20 Approved
21 122700 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Proposal for interior alterations to convert ground floor unit and basment level (ancillary use) to a restaurant with 30 seats. Proposal also includes a rear outdoor patio. See also 19 225604 ZZC, 20 154998 MV and Final and Binding A0495/20TEY 2021-05-04 Permit Issued
21 122700 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Proposal for interior alterations to convert ground floor unit and basment level (ancillary use) to a restaurant with 30 seats. Proposal also includes a rear outdoor patio. See also 19 225604 ZZC, 20 154998 MV and Final and Binding A0495/20TEY. 2021-05-04 Permit Issued
21 122700 BLD Other(BA) Proposal for interior alterations to convert ground floor unit and basment level (ancillary use) to a restaurant with 30 seats.See also 19 225604 ZZC, 20 154998 MV and Final and Binding A0495/20TEY. 2021-03-03 Inspection
19 154802 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Proposal to construct a new 3 storey dwelling with underpinning of existing party wall 2019-05-15 Inspection
19 154802 BLD New Building Proposal to construct a new 3 storey detached duplex (2 Dwelling Units) with underpinning of existing party wall. (Refer to #17-138379 ZZC ) 2019-05-15 Inspection
10 138239 BLD Other(SR) Administrative partywall permit in conjunction with 10 123782 BLD, 307 Augusta Ave. 2010-03-24 Closed
07 223267 BLD Other(SR) Reconstruct roof structure; reclad first-floor facade 2007-05-28 Inspection
99 019308 BLD Unknown ERECT 1 STOREY ADDITION AT REAR JNB 1999-07-20 Closed
19 154812 DEM Demolition Proposal to demolish existing 2 unit semi and construct a new 2 unit semi dwelling. Closed
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Permit # Description Date Status
19 256994 BLD Party Wall Admin Permits Party wall admin permit related to permit # 19 154802 BLD 00 NH for address # 305 Augusta Ave. 2019-12-04 Inspection
18 131441 PSA Backflow Prevention Devices (Water only) Installation of a backflow preventer and expansion tank. 2018-03-19 Closed
10 123782 BLD Multiple Projects SECOND REVISION TO EXISTING BUILDING PERMIT - Revision to add mecanical penthouse for second floor residential space accessed via a ladder from second floor. Proposal to construct a 2 sty rear addition, convert basement and ground floor to cafe with 30 se 2010-08-31 Closed
10 123782 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) REVISION: This is a revison to add a larger two storey addition to the rear of the property. The ground floor is to be used as a restaurant and the second floor is to be used as residential. The basement portion of this addition will be a heated crawlspac 2010-05-07 Closed
10 123782 BLD Multiple Projects REVISION: This is a revison to add a larger two storey addition to the rear of the property. The ground floor is to be used as a restaurant and the second floor is to be used as residential. The basement portion of this addition will be a heated crawlspac 2010-05-07 Closed
10 123782 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Proposal to construct a 2 sty rear addition, convert basement and ground floor to cafe with 30 seats and have 1 residential unit on second floor with storage in existing attic space (third floor). Existing use SFD. .See PPR 10 105825. 2010-02-26 Closed
10 123782 BLD Multiple Projects Proposal to construct a 2 sty rear addition, convert basement and ground floor to cafe with 30 seats and have 1 residential unit on second floor with storage in existing attic space (third floor). Existing use SFD. .See PPR 10 105825. 2010-02-26 Closed
10 123782 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Proposal to construct a 2 sty rear addition, convert basement and ground floor to cafe with 30 seats and have 1 residential unit on second floor with storage in existing attic space (third floor). Existing use SFD. .See PPR 10 105825. 2010-02-26 Closed
07 223319 BLD Other(SR) Reconstruct roof 2007-05-28 Closed
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Permit # Description Date Status
19 150725 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Proposed interior alteration of community center kitchen. 2019-05-07 Closed
19 150725 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Proposed interior alteration of community center kitchen. 2019-05-07 Closed
17 220667 BLD Interior Alterations INTERIOR RENOVATIONS - MODIFY PARTITION, NEW DOOR, NEW FINISHES 2017-08-22 Permit Issued
16 198852 BLD Interior Alterations Proposed renovations (56m2) to existing ground floor space - St Stephens Community House 2016-07-29 Inspection
13 263166 BLD Canopy w/o Enclosure To install a temporary seasonal shade sail canopy ( not attached) for existing two-storey community centre. 2013-11-08 Inspection
12 102440 PSA Fixtures/Roof Drains: Other Proposal to replace 4 water closets in existing washroom (basement) in charitable institution/community building 2012-01-06 Closed
09 178650 PSA Backflow Prevention Devices (Water only) permit for one backflow valve in existing apartment building 2009-10-14 Closed
07 115704 STS Inside and Outside Drains Proposal to repair main sanitary drainage inside and outside. 2007-03-14 Closed
02 100530 MSA HVAC: Groups A & B Install and supply HVAC system in the basement and ground floor 2002-01-04 Closed
01 198233 PSA Fixtures/Roof Drains: Other Plumbing) install- drains & fixtures - in basement: from 2" to 4" sanitary drain (elevator sump pump), 3 showers, 5 wc, 7 wb, 2 urinals, 2 san.duplex pumps, 1 grease trap, 1-comp.ks, 1 veg sink, 1 mop sink, 6 fd(hb). On 1st fl: 2-2comp.ks, 4 wc, 2 wb, 2001-11-27 Closed
01 106295 CMB Alteration to Existing Building interior alterations to basement first and second floor levelssee c of a and omb decisions hold for health approval (drop in centre, kitchen,smoking) HOLD FOR ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT. HOLD: ARCHITECT to seal/sign dwgs. FEES WAIVED AS PER NON-PROFITABLE 2001-01-29 Permit Issued
00 351355 HVA Install/Alter HVAC - only supply and install h.v.a.c. system for 2nd floor. see bp#00-341899 2000-11-02 Closed
00 341905 PLB Install/Alter Plumbing - only install on 2nd floor for special housing purposes: 4 w.c., 2 urinals, 4 w.b., 1 2-compt. k.s., 1 dishwasher,, 2 wash machines, 1 wash tub. cost included in 00-341899 edc 2000-09-29 Closed
00 341899 CMB Alteration to Existing Building make interior alterations to 2nd floor for special housing purposes. (increase dwelling rooms from 12 to 13 on 2nd floor). also install new elevator from basement to 2nd floor. 2000-09-29 Inspection
19 150725 BLD Interior Alterations Proposed interior alteration of community center kitchen. Closed
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Permit # Description Date Status
19 109646 BLD Other(BA) Proposal to construct 3 new wooden platforms at front of existing multiple unit building. 2019-01-29 Permit Issued
17 160669 BLD Multiple Projects Proposal for interior alterations / addition / roof deck to existing 2 unit dwelling. Proposed commercial office space on ground floor, with 1 residential dwelling space on the upper levels. (Existing residential building with 2 dwelling units). 2017-05-16 Closed
17 160669 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Proposal for interior alterations / addition / roof deck to existing 2 unit dwelling. Proposed commercial office space on ground floor, with 1 residential dwelling space on the upper levels. 2017-05-16 Closed
17 160669 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Proposal for interior alterations / addition / roof deck to existing 2 unit dwelling. Proposed commercial office space on ground floor, with 1 residential dwelling space on the upper levels. (See June 13/17 Resubmission in Attachments) 2017-05-16 Closed
17 105585 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Demolition of basement walkout, construction of basement liner wall and fire separation improvements throughout all floors 2017-01-17 Closed
17 105585 BLD Interior Alterations Demolition of basement walkout, construction of basement linear wall and fire separation improvements throughout all floors, convert ground floor to office space 2017-01-17 Closed
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Permit # Description Date Status
17 239150 PSA Backflow Prevention Devices (Water only) Install a new 3/4 inch backflow preventer 2017-09-26 Closed
05 104179 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Interior alterations to convert a retail store to a restaurant with more then thirty seats - Interior Alterations 2005-01-26 Closed
05 104179 HVA Special Ventilation System HVAC - Interior alterations to convert a retail store to a restaurant with more then thirty seats - Interior Alterations Install h.v.a.c. system and kitchen exhaust system 2005-01-25 Closed
05 104179 BLD Interior Alterations Interior alterations to convert a retail store to a restaurant with more then thirty seats 2005-01-24 Closed
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Permit # Description Date Status
16 178910 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Proposal for interior alterations to existing ground floor restaurant to increase the area and seating (194 seats) 2016-06-22 Closed
16 178910 BLD Interior Alterations Proposal for interior alterations to existing ground floor restaurant to increase the area and seating (194 seats) 2016-06-22 Closed
16 178910 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Proposal for interior alterations to existing ground floor restaurant to increase the area and seating (194 seats) 2016-06-22 Closed
14 195217 BLD Other(BA) Proposal to expand restaurant and increase occupant load from 40 to 159 inside seats and 22 existing outdoor patio seats in existing restaurant - "Templeton Cafe" 2014-07-23 Cancelled
02 176013 BLD Interior Alterations interior alterations on portion on ground floor take-out restaurant ( less than 30 seats) -tenant:--chick 'n shack" 2002-09-25 Closed
02 176013 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing -ground fl: 2 w.c., 2 w.b., 1 2-comp. kit. sink---- take-out restaurant ( less than 30 seats) -tenant:--chick 'n shack" - 2002-09-25 Closed
02 151573 MSA Special Ventilation System Install kitchen exhaust system for take-out restaurant within existing retail store. 2002-06-27 Closed
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Permit # Description Date Status
16 147596 BLD Interior Alterations Proposal for new staff washrooms and universal washroom in existing restaurant for 178 seats , "Trinity Common" 2016-04-28 Cancelled
07 229845 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Int alterations to restaurant w/ 70 seats on main floor." Waterfalls Indian tapas bar & grill" 2007-11-21 Closed
07 229845 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Int alterations to restaurant w/ 70 seats on main floor." Waterfalls Indian tapas bar & grill" 2007-11-21 Closed
07 229845 BLD Interior Alterations Int alterations to restaurant w/ 70 seats on main floor." Waterfalls Indian tapas bar & grill" 2007-06-08 Closed
04 111986 BLD Interior Alterations Revise plans as previously approved; construct partitions for washroom. 2004-11-16 Closed
04 111986 BLD Interior Alterations Create second exit by constructing partition; construct partitions for washroom. 2004-02-26 Closed
04 111986 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - fixtures- Create second exit by constructing partition; construct partitions for washroom. - Interior Alterations 2004-02-26 Closed
02 166184 MSA Alter: Boiler/Furnace/AC Replacement alter plans approved under permit 02-166184, by altering hvac system 2002-11-04 Closed
02 166184 MSA Alter: Boiler/Furnace/AC Replacement h.v.a.c. replace heating and air-conditioning units throughout building. 2002-08-21 Closed
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Permit # Description Date Status
11 130526 BLD Multiple Projects created in error 2012-07-17 Cancelled
12 203407 BLD Multiple Projects Proposal for multiple projects to an existing multi use building with ground floor retail and residential unit above. Scope of work includes interior alterations, 2nd floor side addition, 3rd floor rear addition and new roof deck (future green roof). 2012-06-29 Cancelled
12 203407 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Proposal for multiple projects to an existing multi use building with ground floor retail and residential unit above. Scope of work includes interior alterations, 2nd floor side addition, 3rd floor rear addition and new roof deck (future green roo 2012-06-29 Cancelled
12 203407 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Proposal for multiple projects to an existing multi use building with ground floor retail and residential unit above. Scope of work includes interior alterations, 2nd floor side addition, 3rd floor rear addition and new roof deck (future gree 2012-06-29 Cancelled
11 130526 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Front basement walk-out.Excroachment Agreement attached. 2011-02-23 Permit Issued
11 130526 BLD Multiple Projects Front basement walk-out in an existing building with two dwelling units attached to an existing retail use (one site). Excroachment Agreement for basement steps attached. 2011-02-22 Inspection
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Permit # Description Date Status
12 193289 BLD Other(SR) Proposal to repair roof structure in accordance with unsafe work order. See 12-190141 UNS and 12-196671 UNS folders. See 270 Augusta Avenue. Permit for repairing the Unsafe Roof ONLY. 2012-06-14 Closed
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Permit # Description Date Status
12 193303 BLD Other(SR) Proposal to repair roof structure in accordance with unsafe work order. See 12-190141 UNS and 12-196671 UNS folders. See 272 Augusta Avenue. Permit for repairing the Unsafe Roof ONLY. 2012-06-14 Closed
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Permit # Description Date Status
09 176449 PSA Backflow Prevention Devices (Water only) Install 1 backflow prevention devise on 2" domestic water. 2009-10-06 Closed
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Permit # Description Date Status
04 162749 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Interior alterations - change of use from billiards to restaurant (Occ load - 348 persons) Sidney Tung - Please check th fresh air demand for the increase of occupancy. - Interior Alterations 2004-10-21 Closed
04 162749 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Interior alterations - change of use from billiards to restaurant (Occ load - 348 persons) - Interior Alterations 2004-08-03 Closed
04 162749 BLD Interior Alterations Interior alterations - change of use from billiards to restaurant (Occ load - 348 persons)Sidney Tung - Please check the fresh air demand for the increase of occupancy. 2004-08-03 Inspection
99 017426 HVA Unknown INSTALL KITCHEN EXHAUST SYSTEM. /LM 1999-06-08 Closed
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Permit # Description Date Status
01 167134 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) alter HVAC system and related ductwork. Cost incl: 01-130711 2001-08-10 Closed
01 130711 CMB Addition(s) construct 1st floor additions see c of a decision final & binding 2001-04-26 Closed
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Permit # Description Date Status
15 111956 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Proposal for interior alterations to an existing church - St Stephen In The Field Church 2015-02-04 Closed
15 111956 BLD Interior Alterations Proposal for interior alterations to an existing church - St Stephen In The Field Church 2015-02-04 Inspection
15 111956 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Proposal for interior alterations to an existing church - St Stephen In The Field Church 2015-02-04 Inspection
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Permit # Description Date Status
22 155062 DST Sign Building Permit Related Application for a permit to erect and display one illuminated wall sign, displaying static copy located at first storey of south elevation.Dimensions:0.86m L x 5.18m W x 0.13m D at a height of 3.58m.****SECOND CUP**** 2022-06-02 Permit Issued
18 201996 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) Revision 01 - to request relief from the NFPA requirement to maintain a 3m vertical distance from the kitchen exhaust fan to grade, the existing grades allows for a 1050mm height to the underside of the fan, the proposal is to install a metal fence around 2021-12-15 Revision Issued
18 201996 STS Inside and Outside Drains Revision 02 - deleteion of a relatively steep swale and underground storm line back to an existing catch basin. the existing grade slopes in the other direction and water can flow overland to existing catch basins in the adjacent drivewayREVISION - revise 2021-12-14 Closed
18 201996 BLD Interior Alterations Revision 01. Proposed interior alterations to existing long term care facility, and enlarging exterior windows (window wells) at the basement level along westerly facade (45 Brunswick Ave). No change to Tempered Glass Guard material under this revision. 2021-10-17 Revision Issued
21 173869 FSU Electromagnetic Locks Proposal for 5 additional Maglocks related to building permit 18-201996. 2021-06-21 Inspection
18 201996 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) Revision 01: The mechanical ductwork routing has been modified to suit above ceiling interference and coordination. 2021-06-07 Revision Issued
18 201996 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Revision 01: the plumbing routing has been modified to suit above ceiling interference and coordination. 2021-06-07 Revision Issued
18 201996 STS Inside and Outside Drains REVISION - revised site services as per Sanitary Discharge Agreement (attached)Drain - Proposed interior alterations to existing long term care facility. Scope of work includes enlarging exterior windows at the basement level. 2020-12-18 Closed
20 154595 FSU Sprinklers Proposal to change sprinklers from pendant to upright in existing office building. Suite 265 2020-06-10 Closed
20 115059 BLD Interior Alterations Proposal for interior alterations for existing office suite B1-100 and B1-101 2020-02-12 Closed
20 115059 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Proposal for interior alterations for existing office suite B1-100 and B1-101 2020-02-12 Closed
19 110283 FSU Fire Alarm Proposal to replace 13 fire alarm pull stations with new ones that will release magnetic locks when pulled as per OBC requirements 2019-01-31 Inspection
18 258332 FSU Fire Alarm To replace the existing fire panel. 2018-11-19 Closed
18 201996 FSU Building Permit Related(FS) FS - Sprinkler Shop Drawing - Proposed interior alterations to existing long term care facility. Scope of work includes enlarging exterior windows at the basement level. 2018-10-15 Application On Hold
18 201996 STS Inside and Outside Drains Drain - Proposed interior alterations to existing long term care facility. Scope of work includes enlarging exterior windows at the basement level. 2018-09-27 Closed
18 201996 BLD Interior Alterations Proposed interior alterations to existing long term care facility, and enlarging exterior windows (window wells) at the basement level along westerly facade (45 Brunswick Ave). 2018-07-30 Inspection
18 201996 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Proposed interior alterations to existing long term care facility. 2018-07-30 Inspection
18 201996 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Proposed interior alterations to existing long term care facility. 2018-07-30 Inspection
18 189405 BLD Interior Alterations Proposal for interior alterations to suite 501 for new testing suites in the existing eye clinic "Kensington Eye Clinic". 2018-07-05 Closed
18 189405 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Proposal for interior alterations to suite 501 for new testing suites in the existing eye clinic "Kensington Eye Clinic". 2018-07-05 Closed
18 119031 BLD Interior Alterations Proposal for interior alterations for a new Emergency Eye Clinic on the ground floor of existing office building - Suites 1-8. 2018-02-20 Closed
18 119031 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Proposal for interior alterations for a new Emergency Eye Clinic on the ground floor of existing office building - Suites 1-8. 2018-02-20 Closed
18 119031 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Proposal for interior alterations for a new Emergency Eye Clinic on the ground floor of existing office building - Suites 1-8. 2018-02-20 Closed
17 145615 BLD Interior Alterations Proposed interior alterations to the existing office space : Suite 250 Kensington Foundation 2017-04-19 Closed
17 145615 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Proposed interior alterations to the existing office space in unit 250 2017-04-19 Closed
17 145615 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Proposed interior alterations to the existing office space in unit 250 2017-04-19 Closed
17 127281 BLD Re-Roofing/Re-Cladding Proposal to reclad the front facade damaged by a car accident 2017-03-10 Inspection
16 270550 DST Sign Building Permit Related To erect and display one illuminated wall sign and one non-illuminated projecting sign. **SECOND CUP** 2016-12-23 Closed
16 225949 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Interior alterations to existing group D building 2016-09-20 Closed
16 225949 BLD Interior Alterations Interior alterations to existing group D building 2016-09-20 Closed
16 225949 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Interior alterations to existing group D building 2016-09-20 Closed
16 170340 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Construct interior alterations for suite 501 2016-06-08 Closed
16 170340 BLD Interior Alterations Construct interior alterations for office Suite 501. Tenant - "Kensington Eye Institute" 2016-06-08 Closed
16 170340 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Construct interior alterations for suite 501 2016-06-08 Closed
14 230936 DST Sign Building Permit Related To erect and display four illuminated wall signs on the easterly, westerly and northerly elevations of building, in addition to one non-illuminated directional ground sign. **KENSINGTON** 2014-10-01 Closed
13 224576 BLD Interior Alterations REV 01 - to two rooms and adding a new sink - one room now an exam room instead of a surgicial room Proposal for interior alterations to existing office space on the 5th floor - Kensington Eye Institute, Testing Suite. 2014-04-22 Closed
13 224576 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) REV 01 - to two rooms and adding a new sink - one room now an exam room instead of a surgicial room Plumbing - Proposal for interior alterations to existing office space on the 5th floor - Kensington Eye Institute, Testing Suite. 2014-04-22 Closed
13 224576 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) REV 01 - to two rooms and adding a new sink - one room now an exam room instead of a surgicial room HVAC - Proposal for interior alterations to existing office space on the 5th floor - Kensington Eye Institute, Testing Suite. 2014-04-22 Closed
13 272869 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Proposal for interior alterations to existing office space on the 6th floor - Kensington Eye Institute 2013-12-02 Closed
13 272869 BLD Interior Alterations Proposal for interior alterations to existing office space on the 6th floor - Kensington Eye Institute 2013-12-02 Closed
13 272869 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Proposal for interior alterations to existing office space on the 6th floor - Kensington Eye Institute 2013-12-02 Inspection
13 249901 BLD Other(BA) Proposal for waterproofing, heating cables, topping and trench drain replacement on ramps of exisitng office building. 2013-10-11 Closed
13 224576 BLD Interior Alterations Proposal for interior alterations to existing office space on the 5th floor - Kensington Eye Institute, Testing Suite. 2013-08-22 Closed
13 224576 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Proposal for interior alterations to existing office space on the 5th floor - Kensington Eye Institute, Testing Suite. 2013-08-22 Closed
13 224576 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Proposal for interior alterations to existing office space on the 5th floor - Kensington Eye Institute, Testing Suite. 2013-08-22 Closed
13 182234 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Proposal to convert doctors offices to an eye bank in the basement of existing mixed-use building (329m2). 2013-06-05 Closed
13 169769 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Proposal for interior alterations to basement level of existing university building - "University of Toronto". 2013-05-16 Closed
13 169769 BLD Interior Alterations Proposal for interior alterations to basement level of existing building 2013-05-16 Closed
13 169769 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Proposal for interior alterations to basement level of existing university building - "University of Toronto". 2013-05-16 Closed
13 162963 BLD Interior Alterations Interior alterations to move the mail room in the basement of existing university building (14m2). "University of Toronto" building. 2013-05-06 Closed
13 162963 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Proposal for interior alterations to move the mail room in the basement of existing university building (14m2). 2013-05-06 Closed
13 113609 BLD Interior Alterations Proposal for interior alterations ground floor suites 1-7 in existing building to include a student lounge and a seminar lab for "University of Toronto" (182.5m2) 2013-01-30 Closed
13 113609 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Proposal for interior alterations ground floor suites 1-7 in existing building to include a student lounge and a seminar lab for "University of Toronto" (182.5m2) 2013-01-30 Closed
13 113609 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Proposal for interior alterations ground floor suites 1-7 in existing building to include a student lounge and a seminar lab for "University of Toronto" (182.5m2) 2013-01-30 Closed
10 196265 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) Revise layout of medical office space. 2010-07-28 Closed
10 196265 BLD Interior Alterations Revise layout of medical office space. 2010-07-28 Closed
10 196265 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Permit to construct new medical office on floor 4 - suite 401- existing office space - CDP Real Estate Limited 2010-06-15 Closed
10 196265 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Permit to construct new medical office on floor 4 - suite 401- existing office space - CDP Real Estate Limited 2010-06-15 Closed
10 196265 BLD Interior Alterations Permit to construct new medical office on floor 4 - suite 401- existing office space - CDP Real Estate Limited 2010-06-15 Closed
10 183050 BLD Interior Alterations Interior alterations to add a storage room area at the B1 Parking Level. The room will be approx. 9.5 sm in area and will be a storage area for Dr. Hanna. 2010-05-27 Inspection
10 183050 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Interior alterations to add a storage room area at the B1 Parking Level. The room will be approx. 9.5 sm in area and will be a storage area for Dr. Hanna. 2010-05-27 Permit Issued
10 138763 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Interior alterations to the ground floor suite 1-3 for "Dr. Hanna". The work is approx. 123.57 sm. This is to be a dental office. There will also be a x-ray machine. 2010-05-17 Inspection
10 138763 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Interior alterations to the ground floor suite 1-3 for "Dr. Hanna". The work is approx. 123.57 sm. This is to be a dental office. There will also be a x-ray machine. 2010-03-30 Inspection
10 138763 BLD Interior Alterations Interior alterations to the ground floor suite 1-3 for "Dr. Hanna". The work is approx. 123.57 sm. This is to be a dental office. There will also be a x-ray machine. 2010-03-24 Closed
10 135304 PSA Backflow Prevention Devices (Water only) Proposal to install two backflow prevention devices and one floor drain in existing medical/dental office. 2010-03-19 Closed
08 199716 BLD Multiple Projects Revisions as per highlighted drawings. 2009-12-15 Closed
08 199716 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) Revision as per highlighted drawings. 2009-12-15 Revision Issued
08 199716 FSU Building Permit Related(FS) FS - Sprinkler Shop Drawing - Make interior alterations, build 2 storey west addition and make exterior renovations. Proposed Use: Hospice - Doctor's Hospital (38 Major Street) 2009-05-08 Closed
08 200218 BLD Interior Alterations interior alterations to existing office space - floor 6 - The Kensington Foundation 2008-09-04 Closed
08 200218 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - interior alterations to existing office space - floor 6 - The Kensington Foundation 2008-09-04 Closed
08 199716 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Interior alterations and renovations of existing interior space - proposed addition to west side of building (2 storey) and exterior renovations. Proposed Use: Hospice - Doctor's Hospital (38 Major Street) 2008-09-04 Closed
08 199716 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Interior alterations and renovations of existing interior space - proposed addition to west side of building (2 storey) and exterior renovations. 2008-09-04 Inspection
08 200218 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - interior alterations to existing office space - floor 6 - The Kensington Foundation 2008-09-04 Inspection
08 199716 BLD Multiple Projects Make interior alterations, build 2 storey west addition and make exterior renovations. Proposed Use: Hospice - Doctor's Hospital (38 Major Street) 2008-09-02 Closed
07 276520 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Make interior alterations to clinic; expand into adjacent tenant space. 2007-11-06 Closed
07 276520 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Make interior alterations to clinic; expand into adjacent tenant space. 2007-11-06 Closed
07 276520 BLD Interior Alterations Make interior alterations to existing office clinic on 4th floor, suite 450. ( expand into adjacent tenant space). Tenant: Kensington Midwives. 2007-11-06 Closed
07 145606 BLD Interior Alterations Interior alterations to an existing medical office on the fourth floor. **REVISION** - One washroom from barrier-free to conventional. 2007-05-17 Closed
07 145606 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Interior alterations to an existing medical office on the fourth floor. 2007-04-10 Closed
07 145606 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Interior alterations to an existing medical office on the fourth floor. 2007-04-10 Closed
07 145606 BLD Interior Alterations Interior alterations to an existing medical office on the fourth floor. 2007-04-10 Closed
06 144597 BLD Multiple Projects Reconstructing front portion of existing buiilding into a two storey office and renovating existing chapel into a community/social service space. Also underpin portion of basement. See PPR 04-199500. Convience address 38 Major st. 2006-06-20 Inspection
06 144597 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Reconstructing front portion of existing buiilding into a two storey office and renovating existing chaperl into a community/social service space. Also underpin portion of basement. See PPR 04-199500. Convience address 38 Major st. 2006-06-20 Permit Issued
06 144597 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Reconstructing front portion of existing buiilding into a two storey office and renovating existing chaperl into a community/social service space. Also underpin portion of basement. See PPR 04-199500. Convience address 38 Major st. 2006-06-20 Permit Issued
05 131612 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Revision (additional fixtures) Interior alterations to 6th floor existing medical office and make structural alterations to roof to support air handling unit - Interior Alterations 2005-12-02 Closed
05 131612 BLD Interior Alterations Interior alterations to 6th floor existing medical office and make structural alterations to roof to support air handling unit. Revision of additional 130m2 of medical office space. 2005-11-18 Closed
05 131612 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Interior alterations to 6th floor existing medical office and make structural alterations to roof to support air handling unit - Interior Alterations alter existing h.v.a.c. system 2005-11-18 Closed
05 131612 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Interior alterations to 6th floor existing medical office and make structural alterations to roof to support air handling unit - Interior Alterations 2005-10-12 Closed
05 131612 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Interior alterations to 6th floor existing medical office and make structural alterations to roof to support air handling unit - Interior Alterations alter existing h.v.a.c. system 2005-06-14 Closed
05 131612 BLD Interior Alterations Interior alterations to 6th floor existing medical office and make structural alterations to roof to support air handling unit 2005-05-11 Closed
05 104893 BLD Interior Alterations make interior alterations to existing restaurant (12 seats) Tenant: Second Cup 2005-01-27 Closed
04 129154 BLD Interior Alterations Install partitions on second floor for office.Existing & Proposed Use: Office, Retail Store & Community Health Centre 2004-04-29 Permit Issued
04 129154 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Install partitions on second floor for office.Existing & Proposed Use: Office, Retail Store & Community Health Centre - Interior Alterations 2004-04-29 Permit Issued
03 133222 BLD Interior Alterations Make interior alterations to the 6th floor, Unit 650 for existing office space. 2003-05-15 Closed
03 133222 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Alter HVAC system. cost included in bp 2003-05-15 Closed
02 196542 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Alter HVAC system. cost included in BP Tenant: Cera - Interior Alterations 2002-12-17 Closed
02 196542 BLD Interior Alterations Make interior alterations to the 1st floor for existing office space.Tenant: Cera 2002-12-17 Permit Issued
02 196542 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Install fixtures in Unit 1A; 1 wc, 1wb and in Unit 1B: 1 counter sink.cost included in BP Tenant: Cera - Interior Alterations 2002-12-17 Permit Issued
02 120110 BLD Interior Alterations Install partitions on portion of 3rd. floor suite 350 2002-03-21 Closed
02 120236 BLD Interior Alterations make interior alterations to portion of main floor for charitable insititution to provide senior day programs 2002-03-21 Permit Issued
02 120236 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - main floor: charitable insititution: 1 kit. sink 2002-03-21 Permit Issued
01 190868 BLD Interior Alterations install partitions on portion of 4th floor. tenant: ventana, 2001-10-31 Closed
01 190868 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - on portion of 4th floor. tenant: ventana, 2001-10-31 Closed
01 190868 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - 4th floor.: 4 showers, 2 hot water tanks, 5 w.c.,14 w.b tenant: ventana, 2001-10-31 Closed
01 173313 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - install plumbing fixtures in Unit B102 (basement - Tenant: general practitioners): 8 Laboratory Sinks, and unit 375 (3rd fl-Tenant: midwives): 2 Laboratory Sinks. 2001-08-31 Closed
01 173313 BLD Interior Alterations eMake interior alters by adding new partitions to unit B102 (basement - Tenant: general practitioners); and unit 375 (3rd fl-Tenant: midwives) both units for medical offices. (old w24/new20) 2001-08-30 Closed
01 173313 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Provide cooling and heating from central system and redistribute to accommodate new medical office layout to unit B102 (basement - Tenant: general practitioners); and unit 375 (3rd fl-Tenant: midwives) both units for medical offices. Cost included 2001-08-30 Closed
01 149562 CMB Interior Alterations install partitions on portion of 3rd floor. tenant: Chinese Family Life Clinic. ste: 305 applicant to bring in key plan 2001-06-19 Closed
01 149570 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) alter h.v.a.c. on portion of 3rd floor. tenant: Chinese Family Life Clinic. ste: 305 applicant to bring in key plan 2001-06-19 Closed
99 114378 HVA Install/Alter HVAC - only supply and install h.v.a.c. system throughout building.see bp# 99-114134 1999-12-03 Inspection
21 120788 BLD Interior Alterations Interior alterations to unit # 600 Closed
20 130507 BLD Addition(s) Proposal to construct a new generator room on upper penthouse of existing office building for a replacement generator to be installed. Closed
13 182234 BLD Interior Alterations Proposal to convert doctors offices to an eye bank in the basement of existing mixed-use building (329m2). Closed
21 120788 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Interior alterations to unit # 600 Closed
20 115059 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Proposal for interior alterations for existing office suite B1-100 and B1-101 Closed
20 130507 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Proposal to construct a new generator room on upper penthouse of existing office building for a replacement generator to be installed. Closed
13 182234 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Proposal to convert doctors offices to an eye bank in the basement of existing mixed-use building (329m2). Closed
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Permit # Description Date Status
20 170456 BLD Interior Alterations REV #01: REVISE W/C LOCATIONProposal for interior alterations to the ground floor unit (347 College St.) for existing building tenant (College Medical Care) in adjacent unit (343 College St.) (not in scope) to use proposed unit as additional space. 2021-10-03 Issuance Pending
20 170456 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) REV #1-REVISE W/C LOCATIONHVAC - Interior renovation of retail space 2021-10-03 Revision Issued
20 170456 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Interior renovation of retail space 2020-07-21 Permit Issued
20 170456 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Interior renovation of retail space 2020-07-21 Permit Issued
20 170456 BLD Interior Alterations Proposal for interior alterations to the ground floor unit (347 College St.) for existing building tenant (College Medical Care) in adjacent unit (343 College St.) (not in scope) to use proposed unit as additional space. 2020-07-21 Permit Issued
17 146617 BLD Interior Alterations Proposal for interior alterations to the ground floor unit for a new take out ice cream shop in the existing multiple use building. 2017-04-20 Permit Issued
17 146617 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Proposal for interior alterations to the ground floor unit for a new take out ice cream shop in the existing multiple use building. 2017-04-20 Permit Issued
17 146617 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Proposal for interior alterations to the ground floor unit for a new take out ice cream shop in the existing multiple use building. 2017-04-20 Inspection
16 226634 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Proposal for interior alterations for a new restaurant containing less than 30 seats on the ground floor of the existing multiple unit building. Convenience address is 351 College St. 2016-09-21 Closed
16 226634 BLD Interior Alterations Proposal for interior alterations for a new restaurant containing less than 30 seats on the ground floor of the existing multiple unit building. Convenience address is 351 College St. 2016-09-21 Inspection
16 226634 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Proposal for interior alterations for a new restaurant containing less than 30 seats on the ground floor of the existing multiple unit building. Convenience address is 351 College St. 2016-09-21 Inspection
14 265092 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Interior alterations to doctors office with a pharmacy. 2015-09-02 Closed
14 265092 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Interior alterations to doctors office with a pharmacy. 2014-12-19 Closed
14 265092 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Interior alterations to doctors office with a pharmacy. 2014-12-19 Closed
14 265092 BLD Interior Alterations Interior alterations to doctors office with a pharmacy. 2014-12-17 Inspection
14 208755 BLD Interior Alterations Installation of three new windows on the second floor at the rear of the building. 2014-08-19 Inspection
09 154907 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Interior alterations to existing restaurant in basement level to increase occupancy from 178 to 382. Convenience address - 349 A College St. 2010-07-13 Inspection
09 154907 BLD Interior Alterations Interior alterations to existing restaurant in basement level to increase occupancy from 178 to 382. Convenience address - 349 A College St. 2009-08-07 Inspection
06 199036 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Interior alterations to unit of ground floor for new medical offices. Convenience address - 351 2007-01-26 Closed
06 199036 BLD Interior Alterations Interior alterations to unit of ground floor for new medical offices. Convenience address - 351 2006-12-20 Closed
06 199036 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Interior alterations to unit of ground floor for new medical offices. Convenience address - 351 2006-12-20 Closed
06 199036 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Interior alterations to unit of ground floor for new medical offices. Convenience address - 351 2006-12-20 Closed
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Permit # Description Date Status
19 263609 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Proposed 5 storey addition (353 & 355 College Street) to existing 4 storey hostel at 357 College Street. Demo existing buildings at 353 and 355 College St.The project will add 33 rooms to the existing hostel for a total of 59 Rooms, a ground f 2019-12-20 Examiner's Notice Sent
19 263609 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Proposed 5 storey addition (353 & 355 College Street) to existing 4 storey hostel at 357 College Street. Demo existing buildings at 353 and 355 College St.The project will add 33 rooms to the existing hostel for a total of 59 Rooms, a ground floor 2019-12-20 Examiner's Notice Sent
19 263609 DRN Building Permit Related (DR) Drain - Proposed 5 storey addition (353 & 355 College Street) to existing 4 storey hostel at 357 College Street. Demo existing buildings at 353 and 355 College St.The project will add 33 rooms to the existing hostel for a total of 59 Rooms, a ground floor 2019-12-20 Examiner's Notice Sent
19 263609 BLD Addition(s) Proposed 5 storey addition (353 & 355 College Street) to existing 4 storey hostel at 357 College Street. Demo existing buildings at 353 and 355 College St.The project will add 33 rooms to the existing hostel for a total of 59 Rooms, a ground floor lobby, 2019-12-20 Examiner's Notice Sent
10 175318 FSU Electromagnetic Locks Proposal to install 2 electromagnetic locks on the ground and fourth floors of existing youth hostel. 2010-05-14 Permit Issued
09 105193 FSU Sprinklers Proposal for the installation of a new sprinkler system for the entire building. This permit is in conjunction with folder no. 07 266 051 BLD. 2009-01-28 Inspection
07 266051 BLD Multiple Projects Substantial interior alterations and partial additions to the rear for a third and fourth floor to convert the existing vacant building to a youth hostel containing 21 dwelling units. 2007-09-28 Inspection
07 266051 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Substantial interior alterations and partial additions to the rear for a third and fourth floor to convert the existing vacant building to a youth hostel containing 21 dwelling units. 2007-09-28 Inspection
07 266051 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Substantial interior alterations and partial additions to the rear for a third and fourth floor to convert the existing vacant building to a youth hostel containing 21 dwelling units. 2007-09-28 Inspection
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Permit # Description Date Status
19 148066 DST Sign Building Permit Related To erect and display one illuminated wall sign, displaying static copy. Erected at the first storey of the north elevation of the building. Measuring 0.76 m vertically by 4.88 m horizontally at the height of 4.78m. **HOUSE OF VAPES** 2019-05-02 Closed
11 329681 BLD New Building REV01- Stair vestibule and handrail. Proposal to construct a four-storey (plus mezzanine) mixed-use building with 25 residential units and retail uses on the ground floor. See also 10 117594 ZPR, 10 184466 MV and Final and binding letter A0558/10TEY. 2016-08-05 Closed
15 161286 FSU Sprinklers Sprinkler permit in conjunction with 11-329681 BLD.Proposal to construct a four-storey (plus mezzanine) mixed-use building with 25 residential units and retail uses on the ground floor. See also 10 117594 ZPR, 10 184466 MV and Final and binding letter A0 2015-05-22 Permit Issued
11 329681 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Proposal to construct a four-storey (plus mezzanine) mixed-use building with 25 residential units and retail uses on the ground floor. See also 10 117594 ZPR, 10 184466 MV and Final and binding letter A0558/10TEY. 2011-12-21 Closed
11 329681 BLD New Building Proposal to construct a four-storey (plus mezzanine) mixed-use building with 25 residential units and retail uses on the ground floor. See also 10 117594 ZPR, 10 184466 MV and Final and binding letter A0558/10TEY. 2011-12-21 Closed
11 329681 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Proposal to construct a four-storey (plus mezzanine) mixed-use building with 25 residential units and retail uses on the ground floor. See also 10 117594 ZPR, 10 184466 MV and Final and binding letter A0558/10TEY. 2011-12-21 Closed
04 163947 BLD Other(BA) To change esisting building to office use. 2004-08-06 Closed
04 134360 DEM Demolition Demolish 2 storey mixed use building. 2004-05-12 Closed
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Permit # Description Date Status
19 129492 DEM Demolition Further to approvla granted by TEYCC Item TE6.64 May 22, 2019, demolish the existing 3 storey mixed use building and maintain the foundation. 2019-03-22 Permit Issued
10 101292 PSA Backflow Prevention Devices (Water only) permit for backflow valve in existing dry cleaning drop off. 2010-01-06 Inspection
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Permit # Description Date Status
19 129514 DEM Demolition Proposal to demolish the existing 3 storey mixed use building and maintain the foundation. 2019-03-22 Permit Issued
09 141987 BLD Other(BA) Increase capacity load from 64 inside ground fl, 20 rear patio, 8 front patio to ground floor seating to 113 and rear patio to 60 seating, front to remain seating for 8. 2009-05-26 Closed
03 189777 BLD Other(BA) Permit to increase the occupant load in the restaurant from 40 to 54 and also add 20 seats on the new patios at the rear. Permit requested by the inspector for liquor licence. 2003-10-29 Closed
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Permit # Description Date Status
17 146773 BLD Interior Alterations Revison 01: REVISED CEILING CONSTRUCTION Proposal to expand the existing retail store (Pet Value) into the adjoining retail space creating 1 retail unit with new pet grooming station. 2017-06-05 Closed
17 146773 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - Proposal to expand the existing retail store (Pet Value) into the adjoining retail space creating 1 retail unit with new pet grooming station. 2017-04-20 Closed
17 146773 BLD Interior Alterations Proposal to expand the existing retail store (Pet Value) into the adjoining retail space creating 1 retail unit with new pet grooming station. 2017-04-20 Closed
17 146773 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - Proposal to expand the existing retail store (Pet Value) into the adjoining retail space creating 1 retail unit with new pet grooming station. 2017-04-20 Closed
02 151681 BLD Interior Alterations Make interior alteration to existing restaurant ( new tenant)----Health dept. approval required 2002-06-27 Closed
02 151681 PLB Building Permit Related(PS) Plumbing - 1st fl: 1 3-comp. kit. sink, 2 w.b., 1 mop sink, 1 h.w.t., 1 grease interceptor. p l a n s 2002-06-27 Closed
02 151681 HVA Building Permit Related(MS) HVAC - install kitchen exhaust system 2002-06-27 Closed
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Permit # Description Date Status
15 266480 DST Sign Building Permit Related Proposal to erect and display two illuminated wall signs displaying static copy on portions of the first and second storey of the northerly and easterly elevations, one of which is to measure 7.62 metres by 1.22 metres, and noe of which is to measure 5.13 2015-12-21 Cancelled
09 133319 PSA Backflow Prevention Devices (Water only) Install one back flow valve in basement of existing mixed use commercial building 2009-05-04 Closed
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