Property Report

282 Augusta Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5T 2L9, Canada


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Open applications
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Development Applications

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Application number Address Description Submitted Hearing Status
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
20 116813 STE 11 CO To obtain consent for the purpose of a lot addition. The previous Ontario Municipal Board provisional consent approval (PL170091) lapsed. 2020-02-19 2020-08-12 Closed
16 111853 000 20 CO To obtain consent for the purpose of a lot addition. 2016-02-02 2016-12-07 Closed
16 111858 000 20 MV To alter the existing two storey commercial building on the reduced lot as described in Consent Application B0009/16TEY by: converting to mixed use, and constructing a third storey addition with front and rear third storey balconies. The ground floor of the building will be a restaurant with four residential dwelling units above. 2016-02-02 2016-12-07 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
21 246996 STE 11 MV To alter the existing two-and-one-half-storey townhouse by constructing a rear two-storey addition with a south side exit (including landing and stairs). 2021-12-09 2022-03-30 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
17 185503 STE 20 MV To expand the existing ground floor restaurant into the basement of the building. 2017-06-22 2017-11-08 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
15 184544 000 00 MV To alter the existing two-storey multi-use commercial building by constructing: a third-storey addition with a rear balcony and a rear first and second-storey deck. 2015-07-03 2015-08-19 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
21 170327 STE 11 MV To alter the existing three-storey mixed-use building by constructing a third storey addition, a rear three-storey addition, front second and third storey balconies, and a rear three-storey exterior staircase. 2021-06-14 2022-07-06 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
12 116702 000 00 CO To obtain consent to the technical severance of the property into two lots. 2012-02-03 2012-03-21 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
12 116702 000 00 CO To obtain consent to the technical severance of the property into two lots. 2012-02-03 2012-03-21 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
12 173071 000 00 MV To demolish portions of the existing two-storey mixed-use building and to construct a new second and third floor. The three-storey building will contain retail on the ground floor, office on the second floor and four residential apartments on the third floor. 2012-05-15 2012-06-27 Closed
10 143477 000 00 MV To make interior alterations to create a restaurant on the ground floor of the existing two-storey mixed use building containing a theatre on the ground floor and a residential dwelling unit on the second floor. The commercial entrance doors will be accessible from the sidewalk by three steps rather than the required ramp or level surface. Further, no parking spaces will be provided. 2010-03-31 2010-07-14 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
20 154998 STE 11 MV To alter the three-storey residential building by converting the basement and first storey into an eating establishment and constructing a rear ground floor patio. The two dwelling units located on the second and third floors will be maintained. 2020-06-11 2021-01-20 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
19 147761 STE 11 MV To permit an outdoor patio at the rear yard of an existing two-storey mixed-use building with a ground floor café. 2019-05-01 2019-10-09 Closed
16 269019 STE 20 MV To permit an outdoor patio in the rear yard of the existing eating establishment. 2016-12-20 2017-04-19 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
15 109775 000 00 MV To increase the restaurant size on the ground floor of the existing three-storey mixed use building. 2015-01-28 2015-03-25 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
19 113727 STE 11 MV To construct a new three-storey detached dwelling, to be accessed by a public laneway, with two basement levels, a south side-yard canopy, a south-side parking pad, a north-side second storey deck and a south-side third storey balcony. 2019-02-09 2020-01-15 Application Withdrawn
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
08 100144 000 00 MV To construct a shed at the rear portion of the property. 2008-01-02 2008-03-19 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
13 261321 000 00 MV To legalize and maintain the ground floor addition and a portion of the second and third storey rear addition which was constructed without the benefit of a building permit. A portion of the third storey addition would be reconstructed and the remainder of the existing second and third storey rear and east side addition would be demolished. A second storey deck and stairs to grade would be constructed to the east side of the rear addition. A third storey addition would be constructed above the two storey portion of the dwelling. The semi-detached dwelling will be converted to contain two residential dwelling units. 2013-11-05 2013-12-11 Closed
11 138790 000 00 MV To legalize and maintain the existing rear three-storey addition on the converted dwelling and to permit 6 residential dwelling units. Further, two parking spaces will be provided. 2011-03-04 2011-06-22 Closed
09 172147 000 00 MV To legalize and maintain the existing third-floor rear addition to the existing semi-detached dwelling containing three units, as constructed. 2009-09-23 2010-05-12 Closed
08 143191 000 00 MV To legalize and to maintain the alterations and the rear 3-storey addition constructed to the converted dwelling containing four residential units without permits. 2008-04-03 2008-06-11 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
17 269168 STE 20 MV To alter a 2 ½ storey semi-detached mixed-use building by lowering the existing ground floor retail to grade level and underpinning the existing basement, building a three-storey front addition, removing the roof and adding a one-storey addition plus mezzanine/ roof addition. 2017-11-29 2018-05-17 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
15 196467 000 00 MV To alter the existing one-storey commercial building by constructing a new second-storey residential addition. 2015-07-24 2016-02-24 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
21 107125 STE 11 MV To alter the existing three-storey mixed-use building by constructing a one-storey addition with front and rear balconies above the existing building. The building will contain office units on the ground and second floors, and a total of four residential units on the third and fourth floors. 2021-01-21 2021-04-28 Closed
08 153469 000 00 MV To legalize and maintain a three storey rear terraced addition with balconies and alterations to the front of the building. 2008-04-30 2008-12-03 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
21 149260 STE 11 MV To alter the existing hospital by installing: exterior emergency generators; exterior fuel storage tank; and a new exhaust stack adjacent to existing hospital power plant and construction of security barrier around exterior emergency generator system. 2021-05-03 2021-07-21 Closed
19 202628 STE 11 MV To alter the existing hospital's east wing building by constructing a new roof enclosure above the mechanical penthouse. 2019-08-08 2019-12-04 Closed
08 231114 STE 20 SA Application to erect new "Krembil Discovery Centre" research and clinical development building on University Health Network Property -North and East of Dundas and Bathurst. As per applicant's request, Site Plan application will not be circulated until comments are received for the previous Rezoning application circulation. 2008-12-19 Closed
08 219428 STE 20 OZ Rezoning application to erect new "Krembil Discovery Centre" research and clinical development building on University Health Network Property -North and East of Dundas and Bathurst 2008-11-05 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
13 124400 STE 19 OZ Proposal for Site Plan Approval and Rezoning to demolish the existing non-residential building and construct a new 4-storey commercial building having a total gross floor area of approximately 13,000m2 with a total of 292 parking spaces below grade. See related Site Plan Approval 13-124466. 2013-02-25 Closed
13 124400 STE 19 OZ Proposal for Site Plan Approval and Rezoning to demolish the existing non-residential building and construct a new 4-storey commercial building having a total gross floor area of approximately 13,000m2 with a total of 292 parking spaces below grade. See related Site Plan Approval 13-124466. 2013-02-25 Closed
13 124466 STE 19 SA Proposal for Site Plan Approval and Rezoning to demolish the existing non-residential building and construct a new 3-storey commercial building having a total gross floor area of approximately 12,000m2 with a total of 302 parking spaces below grade. See related OPA/Rezoning 13-124400. 2013-02-25 Closed
11 327056 000 00 MV To demolish the existing three buildings and construct a new three-storey commercial building with a three-level below grade parking garage. 2011-12-16 2012-05-30 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
13 124400 STE 19 OZ Proposal for Site Plan Approval and Rezoning to demolish the existing non-residential building and construct a new 4-storey commercial building having a total gross floor area of approximately 13,000m2 with a total of 292 parking spaces below grade. See related Site Plan Approval 13-124466. 2013-02-25 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
13 124400 STE 19 OZ Proposal for Site Plan Approval and Rezoning to demolish the existing non-residential building and construct a new 4-storey commercial building having a total gross floor area of approximately 13,000m2 with a total of 292 parking spaces below grade. See related Site Plan Approval 13-124466. 2013-02-25 Closed
11 327056 000 00 MV To demolish the existing three buildings and construct a new three-storey commercial building with a three-level below grade parking garage. 2011-12-16 2012-05-30 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
13 124400 STE 19 OZ Proposal for Site Plan Approval and Rezoning to demolish the existing non-residential building and construct a new 4-storey commercial building having a total gross floor area of approximately 13,000m2 with a total of 292 parking spaces below grade. See related Site Plan Approval 13-124466. 2013-02-25 Closed
11 331262 STE 19 SA Site Plan approval application to construct a 3 sty retail building with underground parking. - 2011-12-28 Closed
11 327056 000 00 MV To demolish the existing three buildings and construct a new three-storey commercial building with a three-level below grade parking garage. 2011-12-16 2012-05-30 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
13 124400 STE 19 OZ Proposal for Site Plan Approval and Rezoning to demolish the existing non-residential building and construct a new 4-storey commercial building having a total gross floor area of approximately 13,000m2 with a total of 292 parking spaces below grade. See related Site Plan Approval 13-124466. 2013-02-25 Closed
11 327056 000 00 MV To demolish the existing three buildings and construct a new three-storey commercial building with a three-level below grade parking garage. 2011-12-16 2012-05-30 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
13 129112 000 00 MV To permit the interior alterations which converted the existing two unit dwelling to a four unit dwelling to be maintained as constructed. The existing rear spiral staircase would be demolished and a new staircase would be constructed. 2013-03-06 2013-05-08 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
13 124400 STE 19 OZ Proposal for Site Plan Approval and Rezoning to demolish the existing non-residential building and construct a new 4-storey commercial building having a total gross floor area of approximately 13,000m2 with a total of 292 parking spaces below grade. See related Site Plan Approval 13-124466. 2013-02-25 Closed
11 327056 000 00 MV To demolish the existing three buildings and construct a new three-storey commercial building with a three-level below grade parking garage. 2011-12-16 2012-05-30 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
13 124400 STE 19 OZ Proposal for Site Plan Approval and Rezoning to demolish the existing non-residential building and construct a new 4-storey commercial building having a total gross floor area of approximately 13,000m2 with a total of 292 parking spaces below grade. See related Site Plan Approval 13-124466. 2013-02-25 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
13 124400 STE 19 OZ Proposal for Site Plan Approval and Rezoning to demolish the existing non-residential building and construct a new 4-storey commercial building having a total gross floor area of approximately 13,000m2 with a total of 292 parking spaces below grade. See related Site Plan Approval 13-124466. 2013-02-25 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
13 161833 000 00 MV For the construction of a second storey addition above the rear one storey portion of the existing row house. Also proposed are interior alterations for the creation of three (3) dwelling units. 2013-05-03 2013-07-03 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
21 226193 STE 11 OZ Zoning By-law Amendment application to facilitate the redevelopment of the site for a 6-storey mixed-use building having a non-residential gross floor area of 365.70 square metres, and a residential gross floor area of 5,543.5 square metres. A total of 49 residential dwelling units are proposed. A Site Plan application is being processed concurrently. See 21 226199 STE 11 SA. 2021-10-15 Under Review
21 226199 STE 11 SA Site Plan Approval application to facilitate the redevelopment of the site for a 6-storey mixed-use building having a non-residential gross floor area of 365.70 square metres, and a residential gross floor area of 5,543.5 square metres. A total of 49 residential dwelling units are proposed. A Zoning By-law Amendment application is being processed concurrently. See 21 226193 STE 11 OZ. 2021-10-15 Under Review
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
17 270637 STE 20 MV To convert the existing two storey dwelling into a mixed-use building by converting the basement and first floor into a personal service shop and to create two dwelling units on the second floor. A front and rear two-storey addition and a rear garage will also be constructed. 2017-12-04 2018-06-06 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
22 157571 STE 11 MV To alter the existing two-and-a-half-storey attached dwelling by constructing a rear addition. Also, to construct an ancilliary structure (garage) at the rear, abutting the laneway. 2022-06-06 Accepted
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
10 286814 000 00 MV To legalize and maintain the conversion of the single-family dwelling into a converted dwelling with two units that was done without proper authorization. Also to construct a two-storey rear addition with a ground and second floor decks. 2010-10-28 2011-01-26 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
22 216106 STE 11 MV To convert the use of the existing two-storey mixed use building to a restauraunt use through interior alterations. 2022-10-12 Accepted
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
20 118037 STE 11 MV To convert the existing two-and-one-half-storey detached dwelling into a three-storey fourplex by constructing a rear three storey addition, a rear ground floor deck, and rear second and third storey balconies. 2020-02-21 2021-09-29 Closed
19 248450 STE 11 SA Site Plan Approval application to construct a new four storey apartment building containing 8 dwelling units. 2019-11-13 Under Review
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
20 230123 STE 11 MV To alter the existing 2½-storey semi-detached building by constructing a front enclosed porch, a rear two-storey addition, and a third storey addition with a rear balcony. A new garage and storage will also be constructed in the rear yard. 2020-12-17 2021-06-02 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
17 191907 STE 20 MV To alter the existing 2½-storey semi-detached dwelling by maintaining the existing enclosed front verandah. 2017-07-04 2017-11-08 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
20 121472 STE 11 MV To alter the existing three-storey semi-detached dwelling by adding a rear one storey addition and a rear basement walkout. 2020-03-03 2020-08-19 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
20 106519 STE 11 MV To construct a new front porch. 2020-01-20 2020-07-15 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
08 109062 000 00 MV To maintain and to legalize the existing detached garage at the rear of the site, constructed without proper authorization. 2008-02-05 2008-04-30 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
20 204096 STE 11 MV To convert the existing three-storey, single family detached dwelling into a three-storey, two-unit detached dwelling by constructing a second dwelling unit within the third storey. 2020-10-07 2021-03-17 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
21 163213 S45 11 TLAB To construct a three-storey apartment building containing 12-dwelling units, and a rear ancillary building for bicycle parking and waste storage. 2021-05-31 Closed
20 214642 STE 11 MV To construct a three-storey apartment building containing 12-dwelling units, and a rear ancillary building for bicycle parking and waste storage. 2020-11-03 2021-05-11 Closed
18 271787 STE 11 SA Site Plan Control application for a proposed 3 storey-12 unit apartment building. Site includes 43 and 45 Bellevue Avenue. 2018-12-24 Under Review
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
21 163213 S45 11 TLAB To construct a three-storey apartment building containing 12-dwelling units, and a rear ancillary building for bicycle parking and waste storage. 2021-05-31 Closed
20 214642 STE 11 MV To construct a three-storey apartment building containing 12-dwelling units, and a rear ancillary building for bicycle parking and waste storage. 2020-11-03 2021-05-11 Closed
18 271787 STE 11 SA Site Plan Control application for a proposed 3 storey-12 unit apartment building. Site includes 43 and 45 Bellevue Avenue. 2018-12-24 Under Review
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
19 238031 STE 11 MV To alter the existing one-storey commercial building by constructing a second storey addition and providing interior alterations. The first floor will be maintained as retail space while the second floor will be used as office space. 2019-10-18 2020-02-12 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
10 119226 000 00 MV To construct a two storey and one-storey addition to the rear of the 2 1/2-storey semi-detached dwelling. 2010-02-17 2010-04-14 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
12 110838 000 00 MV To reconstruct the exterior stairs on the south side of existing three-storey low income apartment building. 2012-01-24 2012-03-21 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
13 189247 000 00 MV For interior alterations to the existing three storey building for the ground and second floors to be used as a day nursery and the third floor to be used as a private school. 2013-06-17 2013-08-14 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
13 246357 000 00 MV To construct a two-storey rear exterior staircase addition to the existing three-storey converted row house. 2013-10-04 2013-11-20 Closed
12 197578 000 00 MV To make interior alterations to convert the existing three-storey rowhouse to three (3) dwelling units. Also, to construct a third floor deck. 2012-06-21 2012-08-22 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
21 153594 STE 11 MV To alter the existing 2½-storey townhouse dwelling by constructing a rear two-storey addition and a rear third storey addition. 2021-05-12 2022-04-27 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
19 249733 STE 11 MV To alter the 2½-storey semi-detached house by constructing a new front porch and a rear two-storey addition with a ground floor deck and canopy. 2019-11-15 2020-11-18 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
22 100768 STE 11 MV To alter the existing two-and-one-half-storey townhouse dwelling by constructing a third storey addition, a rear basement walkout, and a rear ground floor deck. 2022-01-05 2022-09-14 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
18 251028 STE 20 MV To convert the basement of the two-storey semi-detached dwelling into a secondary suite with a front yard walkout and to construct a north side two-storey addition and front second storey balcony. 2018-11-01 2019-03-20 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
13 103398 000 00 MV To construct a new three-storey detached dwelling with a front porch, a front basement walkout, and a third storey rear terrace. 2013-01-09 2013-02-20 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
09 143763 000 00 MV To construct a one-storey addition to the rear of the existing three-storey dwelling. 2009-06-01 2009-09-09 Closed
09 106784 000 00 MV To construct a one-storey addition to the rear of the existing semi-detached dwelling. 2009-02-04 2009-03-25 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
11 209642 000 00 MV To convert the existing 2½ storey semi-detached dwelling into two dwelling units, re-construct the front basement walk out, construct a rear one-storey addition and a rear third floor addition with deck. 2011-06-03 2011-09-28 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
09 118326 000 00 MV To alter the existing three-storey semi-detached dwelling by constructing a third storey addition, removing the existing rear garage and one-storey addition and constructing a new rear one-storey addition. The sunroom enclosure at the front of the dwelling on the second floor will be removed and the existing balcony will be maintained. 2009-03-19 2009-05-06 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
22 139339 STE 11 MV To maintain the existing two-storey detached dwelling. 2022-04-27 2022-11-02 Hearing Scheduled
22 139335 STE 11 CO To obtain consent to sever the property into two residential lots (with the conveyed lot being undersized), and to re-establish easements/rights-of-way. 2022-04-27 2022-11-02 Hearing Scheduled
22 139338 STE 11 MV To alter the existing one-storey ancillary building (detached garage) by constructing a second storey addition in order to contain a dwelling unit. 2022-04-27 2022-11-02 Hearing Scheduled
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
12 175884 000 00 MV To construct a rear carport by demolishing the existing garage located in the rear yard. 2012-05-18 2012-06-27 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
20 144898 STE 11 MV To construct a two-storey rear addition. 2020-05-13 2020-10-15 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
14 149677 000 00 MV 2014-04-30 2014-06-25 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
16 119250 000 00 MV To convert the existing two-storey detached duplex into a triplex and by constructing: a complete third-storey addition, front porch enclosure, and rear exterior stairs. 2016-02-22 2017-03-08 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
12 190658 000 00 MV To make interior alterations to convert the basement of the existing three-storey semi-detached duplex into a third dwelling unit. 2012-06-11 2012-07-25 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
12 136922 000 00 MV To legalize and to maintain the rear two-storey addition which was constructed without a building permit to replace the former two-storey projection to the rear of the semi-detached dwelling. REQUESTED PERMISSION: The Applicant states that the pre-existing rear two-storey addition constituted a legal non-conforming use, that the existing rear two-storey addition constitutes a continuation of that legal non-conforming use and that the addition and/or expansion requested would encompass an increase in the pre-existing rear two-storey addition of 104 square feet. Under Section 45(2) of the Planning Act any change of use, alterations or additions to the building requires the permission of the Committee of Adjustment. 2012-03-14 2012-07-25 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
13 243305 000 00 MV To construct a rear ground floor addition and rear detached garage to the 2½-storey detached dwelling. 2013-09-30 2013-11-06 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
16 215427 STE 20 MV To alter the existing 2½-storey semi-detached dwelling containing one dwelling unit by constructing two additional dwelling units within the existing building and by constructing a rear second storey deck and a front basement walkout. 2016-08-30 2016-11-16 Closed
16 132635 000 00 MV 2016-03-29 2016-07-13 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
22 186251 STE 11 MV To alter the existing three-storey semi-detached dwelling by constructing a rear third storey addition with a rear balcony and a rear ground floor deck. Also, to construct a rear ancillary building (detached garage) which will be accessed from the abutting laneway (Cyril Lane). 2022-08-04 2022-11-02 Hearing Scheduled
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
12 198722 000 00 MV To a three-storey semi-detached converted house with three units, reconstruct: the ground and basement rear addtion, the ground, second and third floor decks. Also, make inteior alterations to the third floor. 2012-06-22 2012-08-08 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
10 242915 000 00 MV To alter the existing 2½ storey semi-detached dwelling by constructing a rear basement walkout, a two-storey rear addition with roof deck above, a one-storey rear addition, a rear ground floor deck, and a rear third floor addition. 2010-08-19 2010-11-17 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
19 199827 STE 11 MV To alter the existing 2 1/2-storey townhouse by providing interior alterations to combine the existing upper level secondary suite with the main floor dwelling unit, and legalize the existing basement secondary suite. 2019-08-02 2019-11-20 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
08 207799 000 00 MV To construct a rear one-storey addition on the existing two-unit semi-detached dwelling. 2008-09-29 2008-11-05 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
09 158116 000 00 MV To construct a third floor addition to the rear of the existing three-storey dwelling, and to construct a two-storey addition to the rear of the dwelling. 2009-08-14 2009-10-07 Closed
08 102546 000 00 MV To construct a rear two-storey addition. 2008-01-11 2008-03-19 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
10 143733 000 00 MV To convert the existing basement for use as a third dwelling unit, to demolish the existing one-storey rear extension and construct a two-storey addition at the rear of the existing three-storey, two-unit converted dwelling. 2010-03-31 2010-05-26 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
16 221931 STE 20 OZ Official Plan Amendment application to establish a new University of Toronto St. George Campus Secondary Plan that would replace the existing University of Toronto Secondary Plan. 2016-09-13 OMB Appeal
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
16 170401 000 00 MV To alter the existing institutional building by constructing a new exit stair tower, elevator shaft, and rooftop mechanical unit. 2016-06-08 2016-10-05 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
20 205007 STE 11 CO To obtian consent to a strata severance to create three new parcels and associated easements/rights-of-way. 2020-10-09 2021-07-07 Closed
20 105346 STE 11 MV To alter the redevelopment plan approved under Site-specific By-law 806-2015 for the construction of an 18-storey mixed use building by reducing the minimum required dimension of one underground parking space. 2020-01-16 2020-02-26 Closed
19 220892 STE 11 CD Draft Plan of Condominium for a recently constructed mixed-use building containing 124 condo units. 2019-09-13 Closed
18 136049 STE 20 MV To alter the redevelopment plan approved under site-specific by-law 806-2015 for a 17-storey building by adding two floors of residential units and increasing the height of the 8-storey podium for structural and mechanical elements. 2018-03-28 2018-11-21 Closed
16 182948 000 00 MV To alter the development scheme for a three-storey mixed-used building approved by Site Specific Zoning By-law 806-2015. 2016-06-29 Closed
14 148319 STE 20 SA Application for Site Plan Approval for a 17 storey mixed use building with a total combine gross floor area of 10, 848.33 square metres and an overall unit count 142 units with the rental apartment unit count of 26 units. 2014-04-28 NOAC Issued
13 142125 STE 20 OZ Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning for a proposed 19-storey mixed use building (plus mezzanine) containing an 8-storey podium with outdoor amenity space. A total of 158 residential units including 26 rental apartment units with two levels of below grade parking (53 spaces). A total of 165 bicycle parking spaces are also proposed on the P1, ground and mezzanine floor levels. 2013-03-28 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
19 220892 STE 11 CD Draft Plan of Condominium for a recently constructed mixed-use building containing 124 condo units. 2019-09-13 Closed
14 148319 STE 20 SA Application for Site Plan Approval for a 17 storey mixed use building with a total combine gross floor area of 10, 848.33 square metres and an overall unit count 142 units with the rental apartment unit count of 26 units. 2014-04-28 NOAC Issued
13 142125 STE 20 OZ Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning for a proposed 19-storey mixed use building (plus mezzanine) containing an 8-storey podium with outdoor amenity space. A total of 158 residential units including 26 rental apartment units with two levels of below grade parking (53 spaces). A total of 165 bicycle parking spaces are also proposed on the P1, ground and mezzanine floor levels. 2013-03-28 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
12 194899 STE 20 SA Rezoning application to permit the redevelopment of the lands for the purposes of a new 30 storey mixed use building complete with 354m2 of retail at grade, 3,798m2 of office uses, and 121 residential dwelling units above. Included in the proposal is the provision of 69 parking spaces in a below grade parking facility, 57 for residents, 11 for the office uses, and 1 car share space. 2012-06-18 Under Review
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
13 222946 STE 20 SA Proposal for Site Plan Control for a 25-storey (plus mechanical penthouse) academic residence building. 2013-08-19 Final Approval Completed
13 146991 STE 20 OZ Official Plan Ammendment application to permit construction of new 25-storey mixed use building, with retail and academic services at grade and an academic residence above. 2013-04-09 Closed
10 239490 STE 20 OZ Rezoning application to permit construction of new 25-storey mixed use building, with retail and academic services at grade and an academic residence above. Original application was for a 42-storey academic residence. 2010-08-13 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
10 239490 STE 20 OZ Rezoning application to permit construction of new 25-storey mixed use building, with retail and academic services at grade and an academic residence above. Original application was for a 42-storey academic residence. 2010-08-13 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
17 154131 STE 20 CO To obtain consent for a long term lease of 41 years and to create a reciprocal right-of-way/easement. 2017-05-04 2017-07-26 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
19 216436 STE 11 MV To alter the existing 25-storey student residence building by constructing a new staff lounge in a portion of level 00 that is currently occupied by 84 bicycle parking spaces. 2019-09-05 2020-08-12 Closed
13 222946 STE 20 SA Proposal for Site Plan Control for a 25-storey (plus mechanical penthouse) academic residence building. 2013-08-19 Final Approval Completed
13 146991 STE 20 OZ Official Plan Ammendment application to permit construction of new 25-storey mixed use building, with retail and academic services at grade and an academic residence above. 2013-04-09 Closed
10 239490 STE 20 OZ Rezoning application to permit construction of new 25-storey mixed use building, with retail and academic services at grade and an academic residence above. Original application was for a 42-storey academic residence. 2010-08-13 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
10 239490 STE 20 OZ Rezoning application to permit construction of new 25-storey mixed use building, with retail and academic services at grade and an academic residence above. Original application was for a 42-storey academic residence. 2010-08-13 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
13 222946 STE 20 SA Proposal for Site Plan Control for a 25-storey (plus mechanical penthouse) academic residence building. 2013-08-19 Final Approval Completed
13 146991 STE 20 OZ Official Plan Ammendment application to permit construction of new 25-storey mixed use building, with retail and academic services at grade and an academic residence above. 2013-04-09 Closed
10 239490 STE 20 OZ Rezoning application to permit construction of new 25-storey mixed use building, with retail and academic services at grade and an academic residence above. Original application was for a 42-storey academic residence. 2010-08-13 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
14 245223 000 00 MV To convert the existing three-storey mixed-use building from four dwelling units to five and construct two new roof top decks over the two-storey rear portion of the building. The mixed-use building also contains two retail units on the ground floor. 2014-10-29 2015-01-28 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
15 221431 000 00 MV To alter the existing two-storey mixed-use building by constructing: a two-storey addition with commercial use on the third-storey and a residential unit on the fourth-storey. 2015-09-11 2016-02-10 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
13 237318 000 00 MV To maintain the existing undersized two-way driveway access to the parking spaces located in the rear of the property. 2013-09-17 2013-11-20 Closed
10 118689 000 00 CO To obtain consent to the technical severance for the purpose of re-establishing two lots. 2010-02-16 2010-04-14 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
16 109756 STE 20 CD Proposal for draft plan of condominium approval related to a new 15 storey - 226 residential unit condominium with floors 1-2 consiting of retail units and floors 3-15 residntial units. The proposal will also include 3 levels of underground parking. 2016-01-28 Closed
11 267875 STE 20 OZ Rezoning application to permit the redevelopment of the lands for the purposes of a new mixed use building, 15 storeys in height, 2 stories for commercial purposes complete with 226 residential units above and 131 parking spaces in a three level below grade parking facility, the first two levels being for commercial parking purposes. 2011-09-01 Closed
11 267875 STE 20 OZ Rezoning application to permit the redevelopment of the lands for the purposes of a new mixed use building, 15 storeys in height, 2 stories for commercial purposes complete with 226 residential units above and 131 parking spaces in a three level below grade parking facility, the first two levels being for commercial parking purposes. 2011-09-01 Closed
11 267882 STE 20 SA Site Plan Approval application to permit the redevelopment of the lands for the purposes of a new mixed use building, 15 storeys in height, 2 stories for commercial purposes complete with 226 residential units above and 131 parking spaces in a three level below grade parking facility, the first two levels being for commercial parking purposes. 2011-09-01 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
11 302055 000 00 MV To legalize and to maintain a dry cleaner's distribution station located on the ground floor of the existing five-storey building. 2011-10-31 2012-02-08 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
14 253221 STE 20 OZ Proposal to replace the existing automotive rental facility and non-residential building with a 13 -storey mixed use redevelopment with retail at grade and residential dwelling units above. The proposal has been revised and no longer includes the property located at 303 Augusta Avenue. 2014-11-18 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
10 184466 000 00 MV To construct a four-storey (plus mezzanine) mixed-use building with 25 residential units and retail uses on the ground floor. 2010-05-28 2010-12-15 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
08 217911 000 00 MV To convert the existing chapel to a hospice / care facility and to construct a rear two-storey addition. 2008-10-31 2009-01-21 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
18 124159 STE 20 MV To alter the existing four-storey hostel by constructing a fifth storey addition to the existing building at 357 College Street, and five storey extensions to the east at 353 and 355 College Street. A ground floor cafe, rear exterior patio garden, and fourth floor terrace extension will also be constructed. The altered hostel will contain 59 rooms. 2018-03-02 2018-08-15 Closed
18 111118 STE 20 SA Proposal for site plan approval related to a five storey addition to existing hostel with portion of ground floor to be used as retail 2018-01-29 Under Review
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
18 124159 STE 20 MV To alter the existing four-storey hostel by constructing a fifth storey addition to the existing building at 357 College Street, and five storey extensions to the east at 353 and 355 College Street. A ground floor cafe, rear exterior patio garden, and fourth floor terrace extension will also be constructed. The altered hostel will contain 59 rooms. 2018-03-02 2018-08-15 Closed
18 111118 STE 20 SA Proposal for site plan approval related to a five storey addition to existing hostel with portion of ground floor to be used as retail 2018-01-29 Under Review
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
18 124159 STE 20 MV To alter the existing four-storey hostel by constructing a fifth storey addition to the existing building at 357 College Street, and five storey extensions to the east at 353 and 355 College Street. A ground floor cafe, rear exterior patio garden, and fourth floor terrace extension will also be constructed. The altered hostel will contain 59 rooms. 2018-03-02 2018-08-15 Closed
18 111118 STE 20 SA Proposal for site plan approval related to a five storey addition to existing hostel with portion of ground floor to be used as retail 2018-01-29 Under Review
17 186584 STE 20 MV 2017-06-23 2017-10-25 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
14 117877 000 00 MV WITHDRAWN - PRIOR TO HEARING To construct an east side outdoor patio for the existing restaurant. 2014-02-14 2014-04-09 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
17 100730 STE 20 MV To alter the existing three-storey mixed-use building containing four residential dwelling units and two commercial units by constructing a one-storey rear addition on the east side of the building to accomodate an additional two dwelling units. 2017-01-04 2017-04-26 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
17 100730 STE 20 MV To alter the existing three-storey mixed-use building containing four residential dwelling units and two commercial units by constructing a one-storey rear addition on the east side of the building to accomodate an additional two dwelling units. 2017-01-04 2017-04-26 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
20 190121 STE 11 OZ Proposal for a 13-storey mixed-use building with retail/commercial at grade. The proposal consists of a total of 169 dwelling units and 13,009.1 square metres of combined residential and non-residential gross floor area, resulting in a FSI of 6.64 times the lot area. 2020-09-04 Under Review
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
20 190121 STE 11 OZ Proposal for a 13-storey mixed-use building with retail/commercial at grade. The proposal consists of a total of 169 dwelling units and 13,009.1 square metres of combined residential and non-residential gross floor area, resulting in a FSI of 6.64 times the lot area. 2020-09-04 Under Review
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
20 190121 STE 11 OZ Proposal for a 13-storey mixed-use building with retail/commercial at grade. The proposal consists of a total of 169 dwelling units and 13,009.1 square metres of combined residential and non-residential gross floor area, resulting in a FSI of 6.64 times the lot area. 2020-09-04 Under Review
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
20 190121 STE 11 OZ Proposal for a 13-storey mixed-use building with retail/commercial at grade. The proposal consists of a total of 169 dwelling units and 13,009.1 square metres of combined residential and non-residential gross floor area, resulting in a FSI of 6.64 times the lot area. 2020-09-04 Under Review
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
20 190121 STE 11 OZ Proposal for a 13-storey mixed-use building with retail/commercial at grade. The proposal consists of a total of 169 dwelling units and 13,009.1 square metres of combined residential and non-residential gross floor area, resulting in a FSI of 6.64 times the lot area. 2020-09-04 Under Review
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
21 157848 STE 11 MV To permit an outdoor patio at the rear of the existing three-storey mixed-use building. 2021-05-20 2021-09-15 Tentatively Scheduled
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
08 118840 000 00 CO To discharge an existing mortgage. 2008-03-12 2008-04-30 Closed
08 117399 000 00 CO To sever the subject lands into two lots. 2008-03-07 2008-04-30 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
18 125238 S53 20 TLAB To obtain consent to sever the property into three residential lots. 2018-03-06 Decision Issued
18 125239 S45 20 TLAB To construct a new three-storey structurally detached dwelling with an integral garage on the conveyed lot (Part 1) described in consent application B0101/17TEY. 2018-03-06 Decision Issued
18 125240 S45 20 TLAB To construct a new three-storey structurally detached dwelling with an integral garage on the conveyed lot (Part 2) described in consent application B0101/17TEY. 2018-03-06 Decision Issued
18 125241 S45 20 TLAB To construct a new three-storey structurally detached dwelling with an integral garage on the retained lot (Part 3) described in consent application B0101/17TEY. 2018-03-06 Decision Issued
17 231421 STE 20 CO To obtain consent to sever the property into three residential lots. 2017-09-12 2018-02-14 Closed
17 231446 STE 20 MV To construct a new three-storey structurally detached dwelling with an integral garage on the conveyed lot (Part 1) described in consent application B0101/17TEY. 2017-09-12 2018-02-14 Closed
17 231447 STE 20 MV To construct a new three-storey structurally detached dwelling with an integral garage on the conveyed lot (Part 2) described in consent application B0101/17TEY. 2017-09-12 2018-02-14 Closed
17 231451 STE 20 MV To construct a new three-storey structurally detached dwelling with an integral garage on the retained lot (Part 3) described in consent application B0101/17TEY. 2017-09-12 2018-02-14 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
18 125238 S53 20 TLAB To obtain consent to sever the property into three residential lots. 2018-03-06 Decision Issued
18 125239 S45 20 TLAB To construct a new three-storey structurally detached dwelling with an integral garage on the conveyed lot (Part 1) described in consent application B0101/17TEY. 2018-03-06 Decision Issued
18 125240 S45 20 TLAB To construct a new three-storey structurally detached dwelling with an integral garage on the conveyed lot (Part 2) described in consent application B0101/17TEY. 2018-03-06 Decision Issued
18 125241 S45 20 TLAB To construct a new three-storey structurally detached dwelling with an integral garage on the retained lot (Part 3) described in consent application B0101/17TEY. 2018-03-06 Decision Issued
17 231421 STE 20 CO To obtain consent to sever the property into three residential lots. 2017-09-12 2018-02-14 Closed
17 231446 STE 20 MV To construct a new three-storey structurally detached dwelling with an integral garage on the conveyed lot (Part 1) described in consent application B0101/17TEY. 2017-09-12 2018-02-14 Closed
17 231447 STE 20 MV To construct a new three-storey structurally detached dwelling with an integral garage on the conveyed lot (Part 2) described in consent application B0101/17TEY. 2017-09-12 2018-02-14 Closed
17 231451 STE 20 MV To construct a new three-storey structurally detached dwelling with an integral garage on the retained lot (Part 3) described in consent application B0101/17TEY. 2017-09-12 2018-02-14 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
17 205836 STE 20 MV To alter the existing two-storey residential dwelling by adding a home occupation on the ground floor and constructing a third storey addition with a rooftop terrace. 2017-07-26 2018-03-21 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
22 139339 STE 11 MV To maintain the existing two-storey detached dwelling. 2022-04-27 2022-11-02 Hearing Scheduled
22 139335 STE 11 CO To obtain consent to sever the property into two residential lots (with the conveyed lot being undersized), and to re-establish easements/rights-of-way. 2022-04-27 2022-11-02 Hearing Scheduled
22 139338 STE 11 MV To alter the existing one-storey ancillary building (detached garage) by constructing a second storey addition in order to contain a dwelling unit. 2022-04-27 2022-11-02 Hearing Scheduled
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
16 193938 STE 20 MV To alter the existing 2½-storey semi-detached dwelling by constructing: a south side one-storey addition, a front basement walkout, and a south side porch. 2016-07-20 2016-10-26 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
21 120976 STE 11 CO To obtain consent to create an easement/right-of-way in favour of 12A Kensington Ave. 2021-02-27 2021-05-12 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
13 222946 STE 20 SA Proposal for Site Plan Control for a 25-storey (plus mechanical penthouse) academic residence building. 2013-08-19 Final Approval Completed
13 146991 STE 20 OZ Official Plan Ammendment application to permit construction of new 25-storey mixed use building, with retail and academic services at grade and an academic residence above. 2013-04-09 Closed
10 239490 STE 20 OZ Rezoning application to permit construction of new 25-storey mixed use building, with retail and academic services at grade and an academic residence above. Original application was for a 42-storey academic residence. 2010-08-13 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
13 222946 STE 20 SA Proposal for Site Plan Control for a 25-storey (plus mechanical penthouse) academic residence building. 2013-08-19 Final Approval Completed
13 146991 STE 20 OZ Official Plan Ammendment application to permit construction of new 25-storey mixed use building, with retail and academic services at grade and an academic residence above. 2013-04-09 Closed
10 239490 STE 20 OZ Rezoning application to permit construction of new 25-storey mixed use building, with retail and academic services at grade and an academic residence above. Original application was for a 42-storey academic residence. 2010-08-13 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
14 216718 000 00 MV To alter the existing three-storey apartment building by constructing a complete fourth storey addition containing five new dwelling units, and to convert a basement furnace area into a new bachelor dwelling unit for a total of 24 residential dwelling units. 2014-09-04 2015-01-14 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
14 163552 000 00 MV To construct a new three-storey detached dwelling. 2014-05-28 2014-07-23 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
12 194899 STE 20 SA Rezoning application to permit the redevelopment of the lands for the purposes of a new 30 storey mixed use building complete with 354m2 of retail at grade, 3,798m2 of office uses, and 121 residential dwelling units above. Included in the proposal is the provision of 69 parking spaces in a below grade parking facility, 57 for residents, 11 for the office uses, and 1 car share space. 2012-06-18 Under Review
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
19 220892 STE 11 CD Draft Plan of Condominium for a recently constructed mixed-use building containing 124 condo units. 2019-09-13 Closed
14 148319 STE 20 SA Application for Site Plan Approval for a 17 storey mixed use building with a total combine gross floor area of 10, 848.33 square metres and an overall unit count 142 units with the rental apartment unit count of 26 units. 2014-04-28 NOAC Issued
13 142125 STE 20 OZ Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning for a proposed 19-storey mixed use building (plus mezzanine) containing an 8-storey podium with outdoor amenity space. A total of 158 residential units including 26 rental apartment units with two levels of below grade parking (53 spaces). A total of 165 bicycle parking spaces are also proposed on the P1, ground and mezzanine floor levels. 2013-03-28 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
13 142125 STE 20 OZ Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning for a proposed 19-storey mixed use building (plus mezzanine) containing an 8-storey podium with outdoor amenity space. A total of 158 residential units including 26 rental apartment units with two levels of below grade parking (53 spaces). A total of 165 bicycle parking spaces are also proposed on the P1, ground and mezzanine floor levels. 2013-03-28 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
13 142125 STE 20 OZ Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning for a proposed 19-storey mixed use building (plus mezzanine) containing an 8-storey podium with outdoor amenity space. A total of 158 residential units including 26 rental apartment units with two levels of below grade parking (53 spaces). A total of 165 bicycle parking spaces are also proposed on the P1, ground and mezzanine floor levels. 2013-03-28 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
19 220892 STE 11 CD Draft Plan of Condominium for a recently constructed mixed-use building containing 124 condo units. 2019-09-13 Closed
14 148319 STE 20 SA Application for Site Plan Approval for a 17 storey mixed use building with a total combine gross floor area of 10, 848.33 square metres and an overall unit count 142 units with the rental apartment unit count of 26 units. 2014-04-28 NOAC Issued
13 142125 STE 20 OZ Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning for a proposed 19-storey mixed use building (plus mezzanine) containing an 8-storey podium with outdoor amenity space. A total of 158 residential units including 26 rental apartment units with two levels of below grade parking (53 spaces). A total of 165 bicycle parking spaces are also proposed on the P1, ground and mezzanine floor levels. 2013-03-28 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
20 232964 STE 11 SA Proposal for a 3-storey mixed-use building having a residential gross floor area of 301.87 square metres, and a non-residential gross floor area of 120.23 square metres. A total of 3 residential dwelling units are proposed. 2020-12-22 Under Review
16 111859 000 20 MV To construct a new three-storey mixed use building with one level of underground parking, ground floor retail, and four residential dwelling units above, on the lot with the lot addition, as described in Consent Application B0009/TEY. 2016-02-02 2016-12-07 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
16 269170 STE 20 MV To construct a three-storey residential triplex. 2016-12-20 2017-04-19 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
22 106065 STE 11 MV To alter the existing 2½-storey townhouse by extending the third storey and by constructing a two-storey rear addition with a deck above, and a front basement walkout. 2022-01-20 2022-05-18 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
20 186052 STE 11 MV To legalize and maintain the first storey addition and second storey deck to the rear of the mixed-use building. 2020-08-26 2021-02-04 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
20 150992 STE 11 CO 2020-06-01 Postponed
20 114915 STE 11 CO To obtain consent for a technical severance. 2020-02-12 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
10 309114 000 00 CO To obtain consent to sever a portion of the lands, to be added to the south abutting property, 30 Kensington Place. 2010-12-06 2011-03-09 Closed
10 309129 000 00 MV To maintain the existing building on the reduced lot. 2010-12-06 2011-03-09 Closed
08 183799 000 00 MV To legalize and to maintain the mezzanine level constructed without proper building authorization above the third storey of the existing six-unit residential building. Note: This property is formerly known as 54R Kensington Avenue and 54 ½ Kensington Avenue. Note: Committee of Adjustment Decision A0112/02 TEY approved the six-unit residential building. Note: The property is subject to Site Plan Agreement TE SPC 20020038. 2008-07-18 2008-09-10 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
09 191577 000 00 MV To legalize and to maintain the use of the ground floor within the mixed-use building as a vegetable food products factory. 2009-11-26 2010-01-27 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
08 183799 000 00 MV To legalize and to maintain the mezzanine level constructed without proper building authorization above the third storey of the existing six-unit residential building. Note: This property is formerly known as 54R Kensington Avenue and 54 ½ Kensington Avenue. Note: Committee of Adjustment Decision A0112/02 TEY approved the six-unit residential building. Note: The property is subject to Site Plan Agreement TE SPC 20020038. 2008-07-18 2008-09-10 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
08 183799 000 00 MV To legalize and to maintain the mezzanine level constructed without proper building authorization above the third storey of the existing six-unit residential building. Note: This property is formerly known as 54R Kensington Avenue and 54 ½ Kensington Avenue. Note: Committee of Adjustment Decision A0112/02 TEY approved the six-unit residential building. Note: The property is subject to Site Plan Agreement TE SPC 20020038. 2008-07-18 2008-09-10 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
22 120284 STE 11 MV To alter the existing three-storey mixed-use building by converting three of the first storey retail units into an eating establishment. 2022-03-07 2022-05-18 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
19 114270 STE 11 MV To alter the existing 2½-storey townhouse by constructing two secondary suites, a rear third storey addition, a rear second storey addition with a rear third floor deck and a south side one storey addition. 2019-02-11 2019-06-26 Closed
10 199504 000 00 MV To construct a one-storey addition to the rear of the two-storey rowhouse dwelling. 2010-06-17 2011-05-18 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
16 132688 000 00 MV To alter the existing two-storey two-unit semi-detached dwelling by constructing a rear three-storey addition, a third dwelling unit, and rear ground, second and third floor decks. 2016-03-29 2016-07-27 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
16 132697 000 00 MV To alter the existing two-storey two-unit semi-detached dwelling by constructing a rear three-storey addition, a third dwelling unit, and rear ground, second and third floor decks. 2016-03-29 2016-07-27 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
17 111968 STE 20 OZ This Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment application proposes to retain the existing six- storey residential building and construct a new three-storey residential building containing 22 affordable housing units on the north side of the property. No vehicular parking spaces will be provided and 73 bicycle racks will be provided on the site. 2017-02-01 Closed
17 111972 STE 20 SA This proposal is to to retain the existing six- storey residential building and construct a new three-storey residential building containing 22 affordable housing units on the north side of the property. No vehicular parking spaces will be provided and 73 bicycle racks will be provided on the site. This site plan application is to be reviewed concurrently with the Zoning By-law amendment and Official Plan Amendment applications (17-111968 STE 20 OZ). 2017-02-01 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
08 219428 STE 20 OZ Rezoning application to erect new "Krembil Discovery Centre" research and clinical development building on University Health Network Property -North and East of Dundas and Bathurst 2008-11-05 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
14 115356 000 00 MV To convert the existing one-storey semi-detached dwelling into a two-unit dwelling by constructing a second storey addition with a rear third floor deck, and a partial third storey addition. 2014-02-10 2014-04-09 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
16 250641 STE 20 MV To alter the existing one-storey semi-detached dwelling by constructing a second and third storey addition, front porch, front basement walkout, rear ground floor deck with trellis, rear third floor deck and a rear detached garage. 2016-11-14 2017-06-07 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
16 255040 STE 20 MV To construct a new three-storey townhouse with a front third storey deck and a south side basement walkout. 2016-11-23 2017-03-01 Closed
16 136732 000 00 MV 2016-04-06 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
10 139567 STE 20 CD Standard Condo application for new 8 unit, 3 storey townhouse unit. with 8 covered parking spaces. Please see 08 175819 STE 20 SA for site plan approval and see 09 165344 BLD for building permit 2010-03-25 Closed
08 175819 STE 20 SA To construct eight 3-storey rowhouses with below grade parking on existing vacant lands 2008-06-26 Closed
08 143522 000 00 MV To construct eight 3-storey rowhouses with below grade parking 2008-04-04 2008-06-11 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
14 150097 000 00 MV To convert the existing three-storey semi-detached dwelling into a four-unit dwelling and to construct a front basement walkout, a rear second storey roof deck and a rear stair case that will have access to the ground floor from the second and third floor. 2014-05-01 2014-07-09 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
22 142213 STE 11 MV To alter the existing three-storey semi-detached dwelling by constructing a second and third storey rear addition. Also, to alter the existing ancillary building (one-storey detached garage) in the rear yard, abutting the laneway, by constructing a second and third storey addition containing a laneway suite. 2022-05-04 Postponed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
21 226620 STE 11 MV To construct a townhouse block, with 4 dwelling units, and rooftop terraces. Also, four parking spaces will be provided in the rear yard, abutting the laneway. The existing semi-detached dwellings and garage will be demolished. 2021-10-15 2022-03-23 Closed
19 158942 STE 11 SA Existing 2 semi-detached dwellings and detached garage to be demolished and construct new 4 townhomes with parking at grade accessed through a public lane. 2019-05-24 Under Review
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
21 226620 STE 11 MV To construct a townhouse block, with 4 dwelling units, and rooftop terraces. Also, four parking spaces will be provided in the rear yard, abutting the laneway. The existing semi-detached dwellings and garage will be demolished. 2021-10-15 2022-03-23 Closed
19 158942 STE 11 SA Existing 2 semi-detached dwellings and detached garage to be demolished and construct new 4 townhomes with parking at grade accessed through a public lane. 2019-05-24 Under Review
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
20 153017 STE 11 MV To alter the existing three-storey detached dwelling by constructing a rear two-storey addition and a rear third storey addition with rear balcony. Two secondary suites will also be created in the basement and on the ground floor. 2020-06-05 2021-08-04 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
11 119265 000 00 CO To obtain consent to sever the property into two residential lots. 2011-02-03 2011-05-04 Closed
11 119273 000 00 MV To construct a new three-storey single family dwelling with a roof terrace and an integral garage, fronting on Croft Street. 2011-02-03 2011-05-04 Closed
11 119274 000 00 MV To maintain the existing converted dwelling with 4 units on the reduced lot. No parking will be provided on the site. 2011-02-03 2011-05-04 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
14 188746 000 00 MV To convert the existing three-storey detached dwelling into a three-unit dwelling by reconstructing the third storey and constructing a second storey bay addition. 2014-07-11 2014-09-03 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
13 182566 000 00 MV To construct a second storey addition above the rear one storey portion of the existing detached converted house. 2013-06-06 2013-07-31 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
21 144499 STE 11 MV To legalize and maintain the existing front basement walkout stairs of the 2½-storey semi-detached dwelling. 2021-04-22 2021-08-18 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
16 221572 STE 20 CO To obtain consent to sever the property into two residential lots. 2016-09-12 2016-12-07 Closed
16 221527 STE 20 MV To maintain the existing two-storey semi-detached dwelling with a secondary suite on a reduced lot as described in Consent Application B0062/16TEY. 2016-09-12 2016-12-07 Closed
16 221563 STE 20 MV To construct a new two-storey detached dwelling with an integral garage as described in Consent Application B0062/16TEY. 2016-09-12 2016-12-07 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
16 163818 STE 20 CD Draft Plan of Condominium for a new 3-storey triplex. No Site Plan Application was needed. 2016-05-30 Closed
14 200683 000 00 MV To construct a new three-storey residential building containing four dwelling units. 2014-08-01 2014-10-09 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
19 118125 STE 11 MV To alter the existing 2½-storey townhouse by converting the attic into livable space. 2019-02-22 2019-05-15 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
11 149734 000 00 MV To alter the existing two-storey row house by constructing a basement dwelling unit, a new front basement entrance, a front veranda, a south east side three-storey addition, and a third floor dormer addition with rear roof deck. 2011-03-21 2011-07-13 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
11 186440 000 00 MV To construct a rear below grade addition and a third floor addition to the existing two storey single family townhouse. 2011-05-03 2011-08-17 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
21 143961 STE 11 MV To convert the existing three-storey, one unit townhouse to a three-storey, two unit townhouse by creating a secondary suite in the basement with a new front porch and a new front basement walkout. 2021-04-21 2021-08-18 Closed
09 198674 000 00 MV To construct a second floor addition at the rear and a third floor addition and deck onto the existing two storey row house 2009-12-21 2010-03-31 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
11 243062 000 00 MV To legalize and to maintain the northerly 0.9 m portion of roof that was constructed without a building permit. Further, to alter and use the existing attic space of the two-unit row house as habitable space. 2011-07-21 2011-11-16 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
17 112197 STE 20 MV To alter the existing 2 1/2-storey townhouse/row house by constructing a rear third-storey addition and to convert the attic space into living space. 2017-02-02 2017-05-31 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
08 217911 000 00 MV To convert the existing chapel to a hospice / care facility and to construct a rear two-storey addition. 2008-10-31 2009-01-21 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
21 151662 STE 11 MV To legalize the existing front yard parking space and existing curb cut in front on the existing two-and-a-half storey, semi-detached dwelling. 2021-05-07 Accepted
18 212560 STE 20 MV To alter a 2½ storey semi-detached dwelling by constructing a north side two storey addition, a third floor dormer facing west with a roof garden at the third floor, a new front porch with decks on the north and west sides of the house. 2018-08-21 2019-01-23 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
20 209020 S45 11 TLAB To legalize and maintain the basement secondary suite in the existing three-storey, two-unit townhouse. 2020-10-21 Motion Decision
20 138367 STE 11 MV To legalize and maintain the basement secondary suite in the existing three-storey, two-unit townhouse. 2020-04-24 2020-10-02 TLAB Appeal
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
20 113326 STE 11 MV To alter the existing 2½-storey detached house by constructing a rear basement walkout, a rear ground floor deck and a rear third storey addition with a rear deck. A new two-storey laneway suite will also be constructed. 2020-02-06 2020-09-16 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
22 103897 STE 11 MV To alter the existing 2½-storey dwelling by constructing a third storey cantilevered addition, a third storey rear balcony and to replace the rear basement walkout stairs to accommodate the new secondary suite within the basement. 2022-01-14 2022-04-27 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
08 170597 000 00 MV To convert the existing third floor attic into living space and add a rear third floor addition. The application also proposes to replace sloped roof of the existing detached garage and replace it with a flat roof. 2008-06-16 2008-07-23 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
22 144953 STE 11 MV To alter the existing one-and-one-half-storey townhouse dwelling by replacing the existing one and two-storey rear additions with a new two-storey addition. 2022-05-10 2022-08-24 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
20 122077 STE 11 MV To alter the existing 2½-storey semi-detached dwelling by converting the dwelling into a medical office, and constructing a rear and side two storey addition, and a rear basement walkout. 2020-03-04 2021-02-17 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
11 166571 000 00 MV To legalize and to maintain the existing second storey rear additon to the existing 2 ½ storey converted dwelling. 2011-04-06 2011-07-20 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
12 177521 000 00 MV To replace the one-storey rear addition that was constructed without a permit and to remove two of the three dwelling units from the existing three-storey semi-detached dwelling. 2012-05-22 2012-08-08 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
22 175518 S45 11 TLAB To construct five four-storey townhouse dwellings. 2022-07-12 Hearing Scheduled
21 121179 STE 11 MV To construct five four-storey townhouse dwellings. 2021-02-28 2022-06-22 TLAB Appeal
19 213670 STE 11 SA Site Plan Approval application to construct seven 4-storey (13.3 metres) townhouse dwelling units oriented along a City Owned laneway. 2019-08-29 Under Review
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
21 207557 STE 11 MV To legalize and maintain the construction of a rear one-storey addition to the existing two-storey detached dwelling. 2021-09-02 2022-01-12 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
15 120949 000 00 MV To convert the existing three-storey semi-detached dwelling containing two-units into a three-unit dwelling. 2015-02-24 2015-04-15 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
15 188047 000 00 CO To obtain consent to the technical severance of the property for the purpose of re-establishing the two lots which merged on title and to obtain consent to a sever a portion of the land for the purpose of a lot addition to correct a building encroachment. 2015-07-09 2015-09-09 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
18 239897 STE 20 MV To alter the existing two-storey detached office building by constructing rear second storey addition. 2018-10-10 2019-02-13 Closed
18 161389 STE 20 MV To maintain the existing two-storey portable office building in a used car parking lot. Address includes 77 and 79 Nassau St. 2018-05-18 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
18 239897 STE 20 MV To alter the existing two-storey detached office building by constructing rear second storey addition. 2018-10-10 2019-02-13 Closed
18 172217 STE 20 MV To continue the use of the existing 2 storey portable structure in int present location as an office for the purpose of vehicles sales establishment and car hire. 2018-06-05 Closed
17 255558 S45 20 TLAB To maintain the existing two-storey portable office building in a used car parking lot. 2017-10-31 Closed
17 176384 STE 20 MV To maintain the existing two-storey portable office building in a used car parking lot. 2017-06-08 2017-10-11 Closed
15 188047 000 00 CO To obtain consent to the technical severance of the property for the purpose of re-establishing the two lots which merged on title and to obtain consent to a sever a portion of the land for the purpose of a lot addition to correct a building encroachment. 2015-07-09 2015-09-09 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
18 249896 STE 20 MV To alter the existing 2 ½-storey semi-detached dwelling by raising the rear portion of the third storey dormer. 2018-10-30 2019-01-23 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
22 181987 STE 11 MV To alter the existing three-storey semi-detached dwelling by constructing a rear two-storey addition with a rear second storey deck. 2022-07-26 2022-11-23 Hearing Scheduled
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
21 146462 STE 11 MV To alter the existing two-storey townhouse by constructing a fire shutter on the west side of the previously approved two-storey rear addition. 2021-04-27 2021-08-18 Closed
19 153054 STE 11 MV To alter the existing two-storey townhouse by constructing a rear two-storey addition and to legalize and to maintain the front porch and air conditioning unit. 2019-05-12 2019-12-11 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
13 131018 000 00 MV To alter the existing three-storey converted house by adding a forth dwelling unit in the basement. 2013-03-11 2013-05-08 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
10 185245 000 00 MV To permit the conversion of a row house with 3 dwelling units to a rooming house with 13 rooms and to install front and rear additions for access, including stairs and decks. 2010-05-31 2010-08-11 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
20 119445 STE 11 MV To complete interior alterations to an existing two-storey, semi-detached dwelling; and, to rebuild the existing front porch, front second floor balcony rear one storey roof. 2020-02-26 2020-10-02 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
15 232667 000 00 CO To obtain consent to create a new easement/right-of-way. 2015-10-05 2015-12-02 Closed
11 302055 000 00 MV To legalize and to maintain a dry cleaner's distribution station located on the ground floor of the existing five-storey building. 2011-10-31 2012-02-08 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
09 167399 000 00 MV To construct a rear two-storey addition to the existing three-storey semi-detached dwelling. 2009-09-10 2009-11-18 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
14 127727 000 00 MV To construct a new three-storey detached dwelling containing three units. 2014-03-12 2014-05-14 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
10 107196 000 00 CO To sever the property into two semi-detached residential lots, as approved previously by way of Decsion Number B0013/08TEY, which lapsed on Aprio 22, 2009 as the conditions were not fulfilled. 2010-01-20 2010-02-24 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
16 102265 000 00 MV To alter the existing townhouse/rowhouse containing two dwelling units by constructing: a rear third floor addition, rear rooftop terrace above the second floor and rear basement walk-out staircase. 2016-01-08 2016-04-06 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
09 127679 000 00 MV To alter the existing three-storey apartment building containing nine dwellings units and one superintendent's suite by creating one additional residential dwelling unit in the basement. Note: Committee of Adjustment Decisions A644/00TO and B116/00TO permitted the existing apartment building on a reduced lot. 2009-04-20 2009-06-03 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
09 127679 000 00 MV To alter the existing three-storey apartment building containing nine dwellings units and one superintendent's suite by creating one additional residential dwelling unit in the basement. Note: Committee of Adjustment Decisions A644/00TO and B116/00TO permitted the existing apartment building on a reduced lot. 2009-04-20 2009-06-03 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
09 132575 000 00 MV To demolish the existing detached dwelling and construct a new three-storey duplex. 2009-05-01 2009-06-17 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
15 250610 000 00 MV To construct a new three-storey detached dwelling with integral garage. 2015-11-12 2016-05-18 Closed
12 207527 000 00 MV To construct a four-storey apartment building with a total of 11 units. Four units are partially below grade and the remaining seven units are located from the ground floor to the fourth floor. 2012-07-09 2012-10-03 Closed
10 290861 000 00 MV To demolish the existing two-storey detached dwelling and construct a new detached two-storey dwelling. 2010-11-03 2011-02-23 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
17 131059 STE 20 MV To alter the existing two-storey semi-detached dwelling by constructing a third storey addition, rear two-storey addition, green roof, four-storey stairway and elevator with access to the green roof covered front porch, rear ground floor deck, front second storey balcony, rear one-storey shed, and a secondary suite in the basement. 2017-03-20 2017-07-26 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
15 250601 000 20 MV To construct a new three-storey detached dwelling with rear decks on the first, second and third floors. 2015-11-12 2016-05-18 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
08 176817 000 00 MV To enclose the existing front entry porch to the single family row house. 2008-06-30 2008-09-10 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
17 266755 STE 20 MV To alter the existing two-storey townhouse/rowhouse by constructing a two-storey rear addition and a rear ground floor deck. 2017-11-24 2018-04-11 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
22 184649 STE 11 MV To alter the existing two-storey semi-detached townhouse dwelling by constructing a full third floor addition, rear and side additions to the first, second and third floors, and a rear ground level deck. 2022-08-02 2022-11-09 Hearing Scheduled
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
08 215587 000 00 MV To alter the existing two-storey semi-detached dwelling by constructing a rear two-storey and three-storey addition. 2008-10-24 2009-01-07 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
15 156428 000 00 MV To construct a new three-storey detached dwelling with an integral garage and a rear shed. 2015-05-13 2015-07-08 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
08 181933 000 00 MV To demolish the existing one-storey dwelling and to construct a new three-storey dwelling. 2008-07-15 2009-01-21 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
18 123775 STE 20 MV To alter the existing 2 ½-storey semi-detached dwelling by constructing a rear third storey addition, a rear three-storey addition with basement, a rear ground level covered porch, and a rear basement walkout. 2018-03-02 2018-08-15 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
17 265118 STE 20 MV To alter the existing two-storey townhouse by constructing a three-storey south side addition and a third-storey addition. 2017-11-21 2018-05-23 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
12 181774 000 00 MV To construct a front two-storey bay window addition to the existing two-storey row house. 2012-05-29 2012-07-11 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
17 154099 STE 20 CO To obtain consent for a long term lease of 41 years and to create a reciprocal right-of-way/easement. 2017-05-04 2017-07-26 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
17 161383 STE 20 MV To alter the existing two-storey semi-detached dwelling by constructing a rear second storey addition. 2017-05-17 2017-09-27 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
18 109241 STE 20 MV To alter the existing three-storey semi-detached dwelling by constructing a rear second storey addition, east side three-storey addition, a rear two-storey addition, and a rear basement walkout. 2018-01-24 2018-06-27 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
12 146117 000 00 MV To convert the existing three-storey semi-detached dwelling to two dwelling units by constructing a third floor addition with roof deck; a two-storey addition with roof deck and a rear one-storey addition with basement walk out. 2012-03-30 2012-05-16 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
16 221931 STE 20 OZ Official Plan Amendment application to establish a new University of Toronto St. George Campus Secondary Plan that would replace the existing University of Toronto Secondary Plan. 2016-09-13 OMB Appeal
14 131953 000 00 MV To alter the existing University of Toronto campus building by constructing a rear two-storey addition with mechanical penthouse above. 2014-03-21 2014-05-27 Closed
13 268218 STE 20 SA Site plan application for a new building expansion to the north side of the existing heritage building located at 1 Spadina Crescent. The proposed new non residential gross floor area is 5400 square metres. 2013-11-21 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
20 214271 STE 11 SA Proposal for a 13-storey mixed-use building with 219 residential dwelling units and a non-residential gross floor area of approximately 893 square metres. 2020-11-03 Under Review
19 195542 STE 11 OZ Proposed Rezoning for a new 13-storey mixed-use building containing 239 rental dwelling units and 893 m² of non-residential floor area. Total Floor area on the lot is 15,294 m². 2019-07-25 OMB Appeal
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
20 214271 STE 11 SA Proposal for a 13-storey mixed-use building with 219 residential dwelling units and a non-residential gross floor area of approximately 893 square metres. 2020-11-03 Under Review
19 195542 STE 11 OZ Proposed Rezoning for a new 13-storey mixed-use building containing 239 rental dwelling units and 893 m² of non-residential floor area. Total Floor area on the lot is 15,294 m². 2019-07-25 OMB Appeal
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
20 214271 STE 11 SA Proposal for a 13-storey mixed-use building with 219 residential dwelling units and a non-residential gross floor area of approximately 893 square metres. 2020-11-03 Under Review
19 195542 STE 11 OZ Proposed Rezoning for a new 13-storey mixed-use building containing 239 rental dwelling units and 893 m² of non-residential floor area. Total Floor area on the lot is 15,294 m². 2019-07-25 OMB Appeal
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
20 214271 STE 11 SA Proposal for a 13-storey mixed-use building with 219 residential dwelling units and a non-residential gross floor area of approximately 893 square metres. 2020-11-03 Under Review
19 195542 STE 11 OZ Proposed Rezoning for a new 13-storey mixed-use building containing 239 rental dwelling units and 893 m² of non-residential floor area. Total Floor area on the lot is 15,294 m². 2019-07-25 OMB Appeal
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
16 115427 000 00 MV To alter the existing three-storey mixed-use building by constructing a rear three-storey addition, a rear one-storey addition, and to add an additional residential dwelling unit to the second and third floors for a total of four residential units in the building. 2016-02-10 2016-05-18 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
15 229181 000 00 MV To construct a new one-storey retail coffee shop with a mezzanine. 2015-09-28 2015-12-02 Closed
15 171544 STE 20 SA ***Recirculation #3*** Proposal to construct a new single storey retail coffee shop with mezzanine (Restaurant - Greater than 30 seats) and basement. See active Zoning Review - 15 116957 ZZC. Minor Variance application: 15 229181 2015-06-10 Closed
09 121997 000 00 MV DEEMED ABANDONED - CLOSED AT THE JANUARY 13, 2010 PUBLIC HEARING NO REFUND To demolish the existing mixed-use building and construct a new three-storey mixed-use building with a rear two-storey portion and retain the existing integral garage. The new building will be constructed over the existing foundation. The proposed ground floor will be used for a commercial use and the second and third floors will be used for one dwelling unit. 2009-03-31 2010-01-13 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
14 217388 000 00 MV To convert the second and third floor of the existing three-storey mixed use to five dwelling units. 2014-09-05 2014-11-05 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
11 307561 000 00 MV To construct a rear two storey addition over the ground floor of the existing mixed-use building. 2011-11-09 2012-02-08 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
16 221931 STE 20 OZ Official Plan Amendment application to establish a new University of Toronto St. George Campus Secondary Plan that would replace the existing University of Toronto Secondary Plan. 2016-09-13 OMB Appeal
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
17 114525 STE 20 MV Extending the third floor by raising the ceiling of the third floor with an addition to the third floor for a balcony, mezzanine and office space. Raise ceiling of the third floor. 2017-02-08 2017-05-31 Closed
15 174979 000 00 MV To alter the existing three-storey building (formerly known as "El Mocambo") by constructing a complete fourth floor addition, and a rooftop patio on the fifth floor. 2015-06-16 2015-11-04 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
12 166191 000 00 MV To alter the existing building by converting the basement and ground floor into a retail pharmacy, and to construct a mezzanine on the second floor. 2012-05-03 2012-06-27 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
14 134216 STE 20 SA Site Plan Approval Application for the construction of 15-storey (plus mechanical penthouse) mixed-use building containing 309 residential units and 600 square metres of non-residential floorspace. A total of 47 parking spaces will be provided in two below grade levels. 2014-03-27 Closed
13 165361 STE 20 OZ Application to permit the construction of a new 22-storey mixed use building. Retail and commercial uses are proposed in the first 2-storeys, with a total of 202 residential dwelling units above. The proposal would have an overall building height of approximately 70 metres to the top of the main roof (plus mechanical penthouse). The new building will contain three levels of underground parking accommodating 70 vehicular spaces and accessed from Douglas Campbell Lane. 214 bicycle parking spaces are proposed as part of this application. 2013-05-09 Closed
08 153252 000 00 MV To legalize and to maintain the rear restaurant patio including a tubular steel awning structue. NOTE: Minor Variance Decision Number A 260/00TO allowed a rear yard patio to operate in conjunction with the existing resaurant/hotel building for a term expiring on May 2, 2003. 2008-04-30 2008-07-09 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
22 136133 STE 11 SA Site Plan Approval application to facilitate the development of the lot for a 9-storey mixed-use building having a residential gross floor area of 6516.05 square metres, and a non-residential gross floor area of 5297.09 square metres. A total of 109 affordable rental housing units are proposed. 2022-04-20 Under Review
21 156568 STE 11 OZ Zoning By-law Amendment application to facilitate the development of the lot for a 9-storey mixed-use building having a residential gross floor area of 6255 square metres, and a non-residential gross floor area of 5380 square metres. A total of 109 affordable rental housing units are proposed. 2021-05-18 Under Review
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
22 136133 STE 11 SA Site Plan Approval application to facilitate the development of the lot for a 9-storey mixed-use building having a residential gross floor area of 6516.05 square metres, and a non-residential gross floor area of 5297.09 square metres. A total of 109 affordable rental housing units are proposed. 2022-04-20 Under Review
21 156568 STE 11 OZ Zoning By-law Amendment application to facilitate the development of the lot for a 9-storey mixed-use building having a residential gross floor area of 6255 square metres, and a non-residential gross floor area of 5380 square metres. A total of 109 affordable rental housing units are proposed. 2021-05-18 Under Review
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
14 137127 000 00 MV To alter the existing two-storey converted row/townhouse by constructing a third floor addition, a rear three-storey addition with an exterior stair case to grade and to convert from two dwelling units to three units. 2014-04-02 2014-06-11 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
14 137151 000 00 MV To alter the existing two-storey converted row/townhouse by constructing a third floor addition, a rear three-storey addition with an exterior stair case to grade and to convert from two dwelling units to three units. 2014-04-02 2014-06-11 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
14 137153 000 00 MV To alter the existing two-storey converted row/townhouse by constructing a third floor addition, a rear three-storey addition with an exterior stair case to grade and to convert from two dwelling units to three units. 2014-04-02 2014-06-11 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
21 194938 STE 11 CO To obtain consent to sever the residential lot into two residential lots. 2021-08-07 2022-06-08 Conditional Consent
21 194940 STE 11 MV To convert the existing two-and-one-half-storey, four-unit, apartment building into a three-storey, seven-unit, apartment building by constructing a front porch with a second storey balcony as well as a three-storey rear addition with decks on all levels, on the conveyed lot described in Consent Application B0083/21TEY. 2021-08-07 2022-06-08 Closed
18 186720 STE 20 MV To maintain the existing three-storey semi-detached dwelling on the conveyed lot described in consent application B0067/18TEY. 2018-06-29 Closed
18 186714 STE 20 CO To obtain consent to sever the property into two residential lots. 2018-06-29 Closed
17 257856 STE 20 CO To obtain consent for technical severance to re-establish two lots which merged on title. Request to withdraw application receieved March 29, 2018. Chain of title letter could not be provided and so a Technical Consent application is not possible. 2017-11-03 2018-04-11 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
22 169302 S45 11 TLAB To convert the existing two-and-one-half-storey, five-unit, apartment building into a three-storey, seven-unit, apartment building by constructing a front porch with a second storey balcony as well as a three-storey rear addition with decks on all levels, on the retained lot described in Consent Application B0083/21TEY. 2022-06-28 Decision Issued
21 194938 STE 11 CO To obtain consent to sever the residential lot into two residential lots. 2021-08-07 2022-06-08 Conditional Consent
21 194941 STE 11 MV To convert the existing two-and-one-half-storey, five-unit, apartment building into a three-storey, seven-unit, apartment building by constructing a front porch with a second storey balcony as well as a three-storey rear addition with decks on all levels, on the retained lot described in Consent Application B0083/21TEY. 2021-08-07 2022-06-08 TLAB Appeal
18 186727 STE 20 MV To maintain the existing three-storey semi-detached dwelling on the retained lot described in consent application B0067/18TEY. 2018-06-29 Closed
18 186714 STE 20 CO To obtain consent to sever the property into two residential lots. 2018-06-29 Closed
17 257856 STE 20 CO To obtain consent for technical severance to re-establish two lots which merged on title. Request to withdraw application receieved March 29, 2018. Chain of title letter could not be provided and so a Technical Consent application is not possible. 2017-11-03 2018-04-11 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
09 165767 000 00 MV To construct a one-storey addition to the rear of the existing three-storey dwelling. 2009-09-03 2009-10-21 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
20 182646 STE 11 MV To alter the 2½-storey mixed-use building by performing interior alterations to convert the two second and third floor residential units into six residential units. The existing ground floor restaurants will remain. 2020-08-19 2021-02-04 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
20 187596 STE 11 MV 2020-08-31 Closed
20 182646 STE 11 MV To alter the 2½-storey mixed-use building by performing interior alterations to convert the two second and third floor residential units into six residential units. The existing ground floor restaurants will remain. 2020-08-19 2021-02-04 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
19 232278 STE 11 OZ Zoning By-law Amendment to facilitate the development of a 5-storey mixed-use building (with mechanical penthouse) having an overall height of 21 metres. A total of 77 residential units and 171.5 square metres of non-residential floor area will be provided. 2019-10-04 Under Review
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
20 114915 STE 11 CO To obtain consent for a technical severance. 2020-02-12 Closed
20 105575 STE 11 MV 2020-01-16 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
17 196840 STE 20 MV To alter the existing 2½-storey semi-detached dwelling by converting the ground floor retail space into a residential unit for a total of two dwelling units. The applicant is also seeking to legalize the existing rear addition, construct a new 3rd floor rear addition, and new garage with access from Brunswick Avenue. 2017-07-12 2017-11-08 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
17 169399 STE 20 MV To alter a semi-detached dwelling by constructing a third storey addition. 2017-05-30 2018-03-28 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
14 131323 000 00 MV To alter the existing two-storey townhouse by constructing a third floor addition. 2014-03-20 2014-05-27 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
21 152245 STE 11 MV To alter the existing 2 ½-storey townhouse by constructing a rear third floor addition, a rear third storey roof top deck, and a rear one-storey addition. 2021-05-09 2021-10-20 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
16 233202 STE 20 MV To alter the existing two-storey townhouse/rowhouse by constructing a complete third-storey addition, rear three-storey addition, front basement walkout, rear basement walkout, and rear detached garage. 2016-10-05 2017-01-31 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
16 233208 STE 20 MV To alter the existing two-storey townhouse/rowhouse by constructing a complete third-storey addition, a rear three-storey addition, front basement walkout, rear basement walkout, and a new rear detached garage. 2016-10-05 2017-01-31 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
21 166515 STE 11 MV To alter the existing 2½-storey townhouse by extending the third storey, constructing a three-storey addition, a two-storey addition, a one-storey rear addition, second and third storey rear balconies, a side staircase and a secondary suite. The front porch and second storey front balcony will be rebuilt and mechanical roll up doors will also be constructed in the rear yard abutting the laneway. 2021-06-06 2022-02-09 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
10 166994 000 00 MV To construct a third floor addition with a deck and fire escape from the third and second floor, install front and side canopies, and create one additional residential unit for a total of three units in the building. 2010-04-30 2010-08-25 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
21 181966 STE 11 MV To alter the existing two-and-one-half-storey semi-detached dwelling by relocating the staircase leading to the third storey. The two lawfully existing dwelling units will be maintained. 2021-07-09 2021-10-20 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
13 219185 000 00 MV To construct a rear second-storey deck with stairs to ground level to the 2½ -storey semi-detached duplex. 2013-08-12 2013-09-25 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
11 227739 000 00 MV To alter the existing 2½ storey row house by converting the basement to a new dwelling unit, constructing a rear basement entrance, a second floor addition with deck, a rear third floor dormer addition with a deck, and to re-construct the rear roof as a flat roof. 2011-06-27 2011-10-19 Closed
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
22 184119 STE 11 MV To construct a two-storey rear addition with a rear basement walk-out. 2022-07-30 2022-10-27 Approved
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Application number Description Submitted Hearing Status
19 222040 S45 11 TLAB To alter the existing two-storey townhouse with two dwelling units by constructing a rear basement walkout; a west side, ground floor oriel window; a rear two-storey addition with a second storey balcony; and new rear one-storey detached garage. 2019-09-16 Closed
18 269666 STE 11 MV To alter the existing two-storey townhouse with two dwelling units by constructing a rear basement walkout; a west side, ground floor oriel window; a rear two-storey addition with a second storey balcony; and new rear one-storey detached garage. 2018-12-18 2019-08-28 Closed
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